Same install instructions, extract that data folder to root cata dir and overwrite.
Fixed all the loading issues and converted everything to ogg.
I use music and sound volume 100, in graphical settings. Changes to this aren’t registered until you quit and reload the entire game.
Haven’t added the sounds being linked by Cosmiz because I’m lazy, but theoretically should be as simple as dropping the sound in your favorite place in the sound directory, then setting up vulkans-soundset.json with an entry for it.
You’d need to find the id and variant of what you want the sound event to be of.
An example, the laser gun shoot sound is defined like this:
To add a new entry, you’d just copy that and paste it while making sure to preserve the json format, then replace id and variant with the sound event info, IE, whatever the id and variant is for repairing something for a soldering iron, and replace the files entry with the relative location of where you put the file.
Extra note: I put the volume of the music low due to personal preference. If you want it louder, open musicset.json in /data/sound/ and replace all the 40 with 90.
I’ve been tinkering over this too the last couple of days… you just fixed what I was precisely trying to do.
Thanks for that!
PEOPLE, it’s working music, effects and everything!
Yet I’m waiting for a Vulkans feedback. He started all this, and did some amazing work showing MORE effect’s on his Youtube videos demonstrations. Looks like he didn’t release some of those effects he was working on. I hope he’s ok.
Tnx for all you people making the game and experience better. I’m gratefull.
Would have figured this would be mainlined by now… but since its not. I am going to drop this comment here… in theory this will make it easier to find this page again. Although keeping the OP with an up-to-date link would be nice.
I’m trying to add some soundeffects to my game but can’t figure out how to find the correct ID. I’ve been snooping around now for a good hour, attempting to add the “Sew1” effect to tailoring, but I can’t seem to get the right ID for it.
Any tips on how to find the correct ID when adding new soundeffects? I don’t really have any experience modding json files, but I do like clicking around a bit and figuring it out!
Someone would have to add an event for sewing to the source.[/quote]
Id get a list of the entry’s ya want tossed in and send it to gryph or one of the others who can edit that stuff
Thank you to everyone who has worked on getting these sounds in game. It adds an incredible amount of atmosphere.
I’m playing on a MacBook and noticed there isn’t much documentation related to enabling sound on OSX (unless I missed it) so after a day or two of trial and error I managed to figure out how to get it working.
[ol][li]Install libvorbis: brew install libvorbis[/li]
[li]Install sdl2_mixer: brew install sdl2_mixer[/li]
[li]Build your .app: make app NATIVE=osx OSX_MIN=10.7 RELEASE=1 LOCALIZE=0 TILES=1 SOUND=1 CLANG=1[/li]
[li]Download the sound pack (I used the one posted by Midaychi earlier):[/li]
[li]Extract the data folder in the .zip to and overwrite when prompted.[/li]
[li]Launch and open the Options menu. Navigate to the Graphics tab and change the Sound Effect Volume to the desired level.[/li]
[li]Restart the game.[/li][/ol]
With any luck it should work after that. I’m not sure how many people are playing on OSX but hopefully this helps someone out there.
Out of curiosity, is it possible for you to add sounds for the NPC Dialogue with all of this? I’d like to contribute Voice Acting for this mod if you’ll have me. I just gotta wait until I get home from work to start recording.
Currently, in code are defined a number of sound events, and given json hooks for variants and ids. These are used in the JSON, where variants and ids are given a volume and a file and some misc tags.
Npc dialogue has not been given a sound event. In order to do what you mentioned, someone would not only have to add dialogue events to the game code but give each dialogue line a tag that the sound parser can notice, and give some extra json hookage for defining which specific line of dialogue your file is pertaining to.
It’s my understanding that the person who started and was originally working on this in code, stopped due to using copyrighted sounds in the mod? I’m guessing that if someone could get in contact with them and at least convince them to work on the code part, that would assist in further developing this functionality.
Alternatively someone with c knowledge could take up the code part and outsource sounds to the community, as the code is CC-BY-SA 3.0.
There’s also the issue of dynamic text. Speech would work well for some things, such as mission text, but not really at all for other things, such as “NPC: Let me pick up that over there”
Well, we could always start with the small things, like for example when NPC’s shout out, “Hey! I want to talk to you!”, “We need to talk!”, and stuff like that. I could also voice in things like “DROP YOUR WEAPON MOTHERFUCKER!”.
Later tonight I’m going to go ahead and record voices for that in various tones, then leave them to you and the mercy of anyone who wanders by with some knowledge of C.
Any word on the status of the sound effects used in this mod? Whether they’re copyright or creative commons, etc, and any licenses related to their use.
I’ve had some subscribers asking that I use this mod in my Let’s Play but I’m weary of content ID matches etc xD
Well, they ARE copywritten, I am working on replacing them with not copywritten ones. But so far none of the other lets players have had content id matches.
Yeah they’re a mishmash of random sources. I doubt you’ll get a copywrite strike for them though. I think the problem was more “they’re not compatible with the highly restrictive CC-BY-SA 3.0 license”
Ahh, well most sound effects will be so short that copyright doesn’t really apply to them. I seem to recall a dev video some time ago showing car music etc, now THAT would ruin a video. But by the seems of it that’s not an issue with the mod as it stands, correct?
Yeah. The only sounds that are longer than 10 seconds are those throbs that play when a lot of enemies are nearby, the environment sounds, the game over sounds and the michael jackson/hulk/chainsaw themes, and the music. I have no idea where they’re from though.
Edit: was looking through the thread
[quote=“vulkans, post:22, topic:9710”]I’m afraid they’re not 100% clean- while I’ve been recording a bunch of it, the rest I got off whatever decent internet sources I could find. For that reason it’s probably best to keep it separate from the rest of the game. The sounds reminding you of UFO are most likely the ones I used from Jagged Alliance 2, those 2 games used the same sound libraries.
Don’t worry though, I’ll keep uploading them whenever I make any sort of measurable progress. Everything heard in those videos is already on my Github repo, it’s just that the coding bits aren’t as I’m still trying to polish it up best I can… Currently trying to figure out the JSON in/out part of Cata to rebuild the sound randomizer and extend how sounds are defined in soundset.json, but that bit of code I just can’t seem to make heads or tails of quite yet.[/quote]
… and later on he mentions getting a microphone so he can record his own sounds.
Also he was apparently going to build an attributions file of them at some point but never got around to it.
Also while combing through his repository, I noticed a mod he was working on. Apparently it adds a bunch of holsters/scabbards and a liquid container that works with power armour, and some vehicle parts like something called an hd halfboard and miniaturized crafting rigs, and a little doodad that apparently attaches to cargo spaces and provides them with minifridge benefits.
It looks somewhat workable but unfinished. I doubt the powerarmour stuff actually spawns ingame and the vehicle parts are just alternate installation options for the various rigs and steel plating.