A wandering updater appears! Works with B8166 (lazy b8212 update in comments)

Users of Modular Turrets and Jury-Rigged-Robots may be interested to know about the items blacklisted by the mods. By default, JRR blacklists the control laptop and Modular Turrets blacklists the following: “control_laptop”, “cerberus_laser”, “bot_turret”, “bot_rifleturret”, “bot_antimateriel”, “bot_laserturret”.

In the interest of completeness, Poracomp v1.5 blacklists “revolver_crossbow”, “pre-load_revolver_crossbow”, “mask_lsurvivor”, “mask_survivor”, “mask_hsurvivor”, “mask_survivorxl”, “pants_survivor”, “lsurvivor_suit”, “survivor_suit”, “hsurvivor_suit”, “wsurvivor_suit”, “boots_wsurvivor”, “gloves_wsurvivor”, “hood_wsurvivor”, “mask_wsurvivor”, “mask_wsurvivorxl”, “fsurvivor_suit”, “boots_fsurvivor”, “gloves_fsurvivor”, “hood_fsurvivor”, “mask_fsurvivor”, “mask_fsurvivorxl”, “h20survivor_suit”, “boots_h20survivor”, “gloves_h20survivor”, “hood_h20survivor”, “boots_lsurvivor”, “boots_survivor”, “boots_hsurvivor”, “gloves_lsurvivor”, “gloves_survivor”, “gloves_hsurvivor”, “hood_lsurvivor”, “hood_survivor”, “helmet_hsurvivor”, “xlsurvivor_suit”, “gloves_xlsurvivor”, “boots_xlsurvivor”, “hood_xlsurvivor”, “helmet_xlsurvivor”, “mask_h20survivor”, “mask_h20survivor_on”, “mask_h20survivorxl”, “mask_h20survivorxl_on”, “survivor_goggles”

Each mod has it’s reasons for their blacklists, I know Poracomp has an alternative to the survivorsuit which is equally viable, thus disabling the mainline version makes sense, and I believe the revolver crossbow was an old version of another item in the mod and follows the precedent in mainline by blacklisting discontinued items and stuffing them in obsolete.json. I can guess the reason behind disabling control laptop and the original constructable turrets was balance issues.

If you wish to remove these blacklists, simply delete the file with blacklist in the filename in the relevant mod folder. Poracomp has an obsolete.json with the crossbow entries in it.

The next release of this modpack will have a version of JRR with the blacklist disabled. I’m disabling the blacklist in my copy of modular turrets, but I"m not adding it to the pack, make your own choice.

I’m posting this in response to this post. I don’t want any users of this pack to spend hours hunting for an item that isn’t there.

As far as I know, disabling the blacklist in an ongoing game won’t hurt anything, though you may need to travel to freshly generated terrain to get the new spawns. Recipes should be available through book or skill level as usual.

If anyones curious, I’m working on integrating the 40k mod with much weaker or better placed enemies. No more lumping everything into group zombie, some of the stuff will only spawn around places it makes sense for them to spawn. So…say goodbye to first day Twisted brutes in town. If you make suggestions now, I can work on integrating them.