A small Nerf to wooden and bone needles

I would simply just reduce their thread capacity to about 20 Just enough to be annoying

and maybe decrease repair success chance

or increase chance of damage on clothes

but ithink it would be appropriate just to lower their capacity and kinda simple to do.

gameplay/balance wise, this’d also make crafting clothes with them a real pain, not just annoying, since many clothes need much more than 20 charges…

don’t know enough about knitting, but i’d expect them to be on par with industrial-made sewing kits.
people have been using bone/wood needles for a long time with no problems.

Terrible idea.

Changing something specifically to make it more annoying is about the worst thing we as the devs could do. (Aside from deliberately including malware or somesuch jagoffery.)

Denied, with leave to offer an actual reason.

Well, I’ve always thought it was kind of dumb that a sewing kit is so much bulkier and heavier than a bone needle yet serves exactly the same purpose. You’d think the proper tools for the job would be better to have, not strictly inferior. Maybe some kind of bonus with a real sewing kit rather than a nerf for the bone/wood needles?

I could see a crafting time penalty for wood/bone or bonus for metal (metal is smoother, so pushing it through fabric is easier), also requiring it for tailoring finer/tougher materials (metal needles are thinner/sharper/tougher).

Well, i think a rework to where perhaphs you would need better tools to level up higher… like at level 4 you would need to use a better sewing device in order to learn anything new.

i just think its preposterous to have around 200 units charges worth of thread on a single needle, that stuff can and will tangle when you put it in your bindle, backpack, leather backpack, or trenchcoat pockets when you put the length of that string. i see no plausable way it would stay neat unless you had some sort of spool to put the string on.

Also, most legit sewing kits would at least have a seam ripper with them… probably a pair of scissor too. for cutting up fabric and the such.

i also think that with an appropriate first aid skill you could easily use a sewing kit to stitch your bleeding left arm, right arm, head, torso, and right leg.

it also irks me the fact you can reinforce a soldering iron/ repair it with the same soldering iron that your using to reinforce said soldering iron.

the reason for me wanting to nerf wooden needles / bone needles is the fact that it takes the specialness of getting your trench coat away by being able to soo easily make it in the evaccenter

Mrhhh. I can see where you’re going with this, but the reason this would probably be frowned upon is because some players like me like to play in the style of not going into towns whatsoever or turning spawn rates super low.

Hence why a sewing kit is kind of inaccessible to these players.

However a bone needle or a wooden needle allows the player to get sewing without breaking their backs on a quest for the sewing kit, and making them downright bad by removing their charge capacity would add limitations to a to a tool that actually makes sense, and to remove the charge capacity even by 1 would remove the ability to craft a shelter kit. And shelter kits are a pretty damn good item in my opinion, as you can make them purely off what the wild offers you.

However I do agree that the overall quality of the tool should be lowered, such as the repair chance and damage chance and blah, then crafting your own little sewing kit from a few rags needles and other things would give you a better tool to allow for some form of tailoring progression.

But blah, needles are an easily accessible tool and a crucial tool for a tailor is they can’t get their hands on a sewing kit, so it might tick off some people if we hardly nerfed the needles.

As for butterfly sutures, that might be a good idea later on in the game, as they may add ‘cut torso’ as a status debuff which you may have to see up again at the cost of pain and thread, but cata isn’t into a stage of detailed body injuries yet.

I’d have had paws penalize crafting time rather than skill if I could. It’s a JSON pull so wasn’t sure if I could grab it afterward. May try again later.

Aside from that, yeah, quality is probably the way to go here.

I agree that bone and wooden needles (especially bone needles) are somewhat too powerful.
You can get them very easily (just kill the next weasel that happens to stand in your way, and you’re fine.), requires some survival for butchery and also fabrication for crafting the needle.(?)

This has led to the situation that I pick with every character I play at least one point in tailoring, as it allows for improved armor and prevents freezing to death in the first night.
So, something about that production chain is a little… off, I believe.

Increasing the value of sewing kits over needles seems to be a good idea. I also like the idea of creating your own “makeshift” sewing kit, that is superior to just a needle but still inferior to the proper one.

If we include the makeshift sewing kit, we might just reduce the possible charges for a bone needle as well, although 20 seems a bit low.

Of course, if we go that way, there has to be something that is neccessary for the sewing kit that isn’t everywhere yet can be acquired rather early.

I always saw theammount of charges on a needle as what i have readied fo use with this tool not as in actually attached to the tool. So it wouldn t make sense to me at all too reduce the ammount of charges. it s fine as it is… less would just be annoying .

Perhaps make sewing kits hold a higher charge (considering they are so large),
or alternatively, make wooden and bone needles more prone to breaking. Wood (and bone depending on where it was cut from) is somewhat fibrous, so bits of it could slowly be stripped off overtime, breaking it.

Yeeees. This is the kind of idea we’re looking for, seeing as these needles are so easy to make it would be extremely sensible to make them become damaged over time whilst sewing kits are much more resistant. LISTEN TO THIS MAN.

Reducing the maximal charges of any item that can be recharged is only annoying as it just forces the player to recharge it more often. And for recipes that require more charges, the player would need several (fully charged) items of that kind.

What could be done is reducing the initial charges of the sewing kit - similar to the soldering iron. That one is found in the wild with only 20 charges but can be reloaded up to 200 charges. This would only be a json changed. Either change the “initial_charges” value or add a “rand_charges” array (see the cash card for example).

Completely unrelated: what about changing the recipes to have a sewing kit of some kind (but not use charges) and use thread/sinew/plant fiber as components instead?

Some recipes already require sewing kit charges + thread/sinew/plant fiber (pouch, small waterskin). This would also allow changing the sewing kit to have a SEW quality, which would allow adding different sewing kits with different quality levels.

[quote=“BevapDin, post:14, topic:7066”]Reducing the maximal charges of any item that can be recharged is only annoying as it just forces the player to recharge it more often. And for recipes that require more charges, the player would need several (fully charged) items of that kind.

What could be done is reducing the initial charges of the sewing kit - similar to the soldering iron. That one is found in the wild with only 20 charges but can be reloaded up to 200 charges. This would only be a json changed. Either change the “initial_charges” value or add a “rand_charges” array (see the cash card for example).

Completely unrelated: what about changing the recipes to have a sewing kit of some kind (but not use charges) and use thread/sinew/plant fiber as components instead?

Some recipes already require sewing kit charges + thread/sinew/plant fiber (pouch, small waterskin). This would also allow changing the sewing kit to have a SEW quality, which would allow adding different sewing kits with different quality levels.[/quote]

Unrelated is probably the best solution here too as that would let the kit have a higher quality; therefore, be needed for higher-end recipes.

if thread capacity is an issue we could allow for crafting of spools of thread using something like a tin can as the base or even a simple heavy stick.

in theory I agree with the nerf. However with the weather update access to sewing is vital

I whoeheartedly agree. This is the best suggestion as of now. Different sewing qualities for needles and recepies requiering thread directly instead of sewingkit charges. I won t have to recharge my sewing kit after i crafted tons of cloth this way and it ll only run out if i repair like a mad men. This would be more realistic and less annoying.