In the dozens of games I’ve started up, I’ve never gotten this once. It’s an extremely rare, lucky event, and it’s supposed to be possible to have dumb luck like this. Was your character lucky enough to spawn next to a mansion? Congrats! You’ll get better early game loot than usual. And if rapiers shouldn’t ever spawn in shelters, that’s a quick code change. It doesn’t make any sense to cite this as an overall flaw of DDA’s gameplay.[/quote]
It’s not as rare as you think, and when it happens, it TOTALLY kills things. Sure, the first time it’s pretty exciting, but it quickly gets old. I run into basements all the time that are unreasonably packed. Just yesterday I ran into one right on the outskirts of a town with 2 rifles, TONS of ammo, 2 katanas, a variety of tools, and a variety of skill/recipe books. The only things missing were storage clothing and food. I only had to kill 4 zombies to get to them, none of them specials. If the basement just had one item out of those sets, or a more reasonable set of items, it would be way less OP. That basement eliminated or severely reduced A) the need to take risks, and B) riskiness in general. First, houses are usually found on the outskirts of town, with fewer specials around, so the risks to explore them are generally minimal. Then, With all those items found in one place, there is much less need to visit gun stores, hardware stores, libraries, and mansion/museum/antique stores (wherever you get katanas or other OP melee weaponry). Next, now that you have all those items, if you want to go exploring to find all the things you might have missed, you’re set for danger. All these combine to reduce tension, which should be one of the key features of a zombie game.[/quote]
This is definitely not my experience. I’m running the latest stable. You?
Even if this is the case, the point still stands. Simple code changes like changing where items spawn and the frequency of their spawns don’t count to fundamental flaws to DDA’s design. And there still should be the chance to get lucky and land a rare item in the early game, given the way the world is supposed to function.