Why are all zombies cross dressers?

most of you prefer football players :stuck_out_tongue:

No, black men.

Inb4 ban lel.

I could imagine military personnel marching off to fight the cataclysm with no guarantee that their barracks won’t grow tentacles at some point in the near future grabbing a spare article of clothing or two on their way out the door…

I found a scientist corpse with eight bras, only half of which fit me, so they were all assorted sizes. I guess sie was some kind of fetishist who was carrying hir prized collection of stolen undergarments when sie died.

I found a scientist corpse that had:
5 Bras
3 Panties
2 Lab Coats
3 Science ID Cards
And 3 Steeltoe Boots.

Y’know, scientists can SHOOT MOTHERFUCKING RADIOACTIVE BEAMS FROM THEIR MOUTH and have a ton of cmb’s on them. It’s quite possible that all those bras-…

…No. We are getting too close to CoC.

I once had a character on that who had 24 nipples total.
That is a weird game.

I know about this game from a little challenge me and my friends made: to play as a paladin (and obviously, stay virgin. These powers have to come from somewhere, right?).
3 in-game months later, I was a kick-ass normal human with a nice set of swords and armors.
1 in-game week later, my friend was a herm shark with >G-cup breasts, slime hair and many, many other modifications. Aparently he also has raped about 3/4 of earth’s population by that time.

The same happens in CDDA. CMBs are for the weak. And I don’t trust mutagens. So my late-game comes rather from my equipment than my character himself. However, I heard that you can become a steel-plated bull, which is nice…

I once beat the game as a completely human person. Still virgin (with some creative reducto useage) and I flooded the pond.

There used to be a bar & grill near my house called Linda’s Sports Bar. Every time I passed by it and glanced at it I always thought the sign said Linda’s Sports Bra.

your eyes see what your mind wants to see :smiley:

your eyes see what your mind wants to see :D[/quote]Then why the hell didn’t I see Linda sitting there naked teasing her wet juicy pussy with a dildo?

your eyes see what your mind wants to see :D[/quote]Then why the hell didn’t I see Linda sitting there naked teasing her wet juicy pussy with a dildo?[/quote]
This thread is taking a weird turn…

your eyes see what your mind wants to see :D[/quote]Then why the hell didn’t I see Linda sitting there naked teasing her wet juicy pussy with a dildo?[/quote]
This thread is taking a weird turn…[/quote]
Your avatar.

Also, this picture.

I don’t know.

Maybe cross-dressing is the fashion of the future? Maybe males of the future genuinely need to wear twelve bras…

To be serious about this for a moment, I think this is a result of the over-specialization of everything in DDA, probably as a result of too many cooks wanting to add an ingredient to the soup. Is there really a functional difference between panties, boxer shorts, underwear, and compression shorts? Or between a compression vest, undershirt, and bra? We don’t need 20 types of undergarments any more than we need 20 types of ammunition, 20 types of handgun, and 20 types of beer. If you want to have flavour descriptions (each can of “beer” being described as Belgian ale or pilsener or whatever in the flavour text), that’s one thing, but the game treats each item as unique. Why don’t we have a single “undergarment” item, and then add a bra, boxer, etc. description as necessary? Why do we need more than “small calibre revolver/semi-auto pistol” and “heavy calibre revolver/semi-auto pistol”?

The problem is, you’ve got specialized items without reason or rhyme. Why do we have a camisole but not a peignoir? Why do we have 50 different types of ammo, but only a single type of construction boot – where the difference between steel-toe and steel-shank really does make a functional difference?

There needs to be a single vision for level of detail and specialization across the whole game. (I used to administrate what was once the largest MUD in existence, and it was a constant battle trying to keep coders from adding more and more weapon types, each with its own unique weapon skill. Is there really a functional difference between a tulwar, a scimitar, a shortsword, a falchion, a sai, and a gladius? The problem isn’t unique to DDA.)

Depending on the complexity of the combat system, probably not.

In real life, there is a MASSIVE difference between these weapons, especially between curved and straight swords. Never mind that the Sai is a long dagger more than anything else, it lacks a cutting edge and is designed for parrying and thrusting attacks.

I somewhat agree with you though, there are things added at random without much rhyme or reason, but I like the content bloat, it adds an unnecessary level of detail that I love to see. The problem comes from the fact that RIGHT NOW there are a lot of categories left unexpanded.

On the one hand, no, there really isn’t a functional difference between many of those things. But do you want this game to be only about function? Do you want to have your survivor carrying around “food”, wearing “clothes” and “light armor” while wielding a “club”? I don’t.
I find myself more immersed in this world of ascii characters, more vested in my character, than I do in many other games. One of the reasons are the little details.

As for administrating one of the largest MUDs in existence, I’d just like to point out that this:

[ul][li]Is not a multi user dungeon.[/li]
[li]Doesn’t have the database limits from 20 years ago.[/li]
[li]Doesn’t have the bandwidth limits from 20 years ago.[/li]
[li]All items are persistent.[/li][/ul]

I’d also like to know which one you administrated, as I’ve played (and play) many.

Re: “Shepard.” “Wrex.” I have this to say: “I should go.”

I’d love if I could reduce the clutter in my crafting menu. Like a “Move to Inactive” function for things I know I’m absolutely, positively never going to need.

Like leather and cloth cat ears and tails.

THAT is the kind of bloat that I’d like to see nixed.