Just a recent example of another of those moments I’m tempted to commit a PR with some early “fixes” on .json files I do my own to remove problems while playing experimentals. With the example I think I will explain better:
I stumbled onto a recipe requirement for “welding goggles”, instead of the more common “glaring protection”. I researched a bit, learned the differences between “qualities” and “tools”, using notepad++ searched all .json files deployed with the experimental I’m playing and proceed to convert remaining references from tool “goggles_welding” into quality “GLARE” level 2. Not much work… Just minutes.
Well… The files affected belong to 2 different Mods: Blazemod and PK_Reimagining.
The question is… Should I try to “commit” this? Or report into each Mod the problem (and potentially how to fix it?) to not interfere with Mod creators?
I repeat it’s something that has happened already other times… But I’m reluctant to trigger repo activity (And to really go all out into creating a Git environment), and OFC I don’t want to be rude for interfering with a Modder while his/her content is still maintained… Specially for simple things just requiring .json file editing.