What's in your "Bag of Tricks" i.e. insurance items

time dilation and chain lightning or directional EMP depending on what im fighting

Caffeine pills and a scratch blowgun.

…Pretty much.

I’ve discovered that a pinch of meth really gives you wings when you’re getting your ass kicked. I always keep a hit or two on me should I find any.

Also, I’ve found a Rivtech short shotgun fits in an ankle holster, making it a perfect “oh shit” gun: it has the power of a big gun yet fits in a holster, so I don’t drop it to make room in my inventory and then end up not having it when I need it. I often carry about eighteen rounds of extra slugs, which stays under the threshold of a single point of volume. It’s even better than molotovs against some of the more powerful individual playthrough-enders like jabberwocks. I imagine a 12-gauge pistol would probably make an OK substitute if you’re not lucky enough to stumble upon a Rivtech short shotgun and ammo. I don’t know if a sawn-off is small enough to fit in a holster, though.

Sadly you can’t fit sawn offs in holsters, but I also really like the short shotgun because of all the ammo types you can load into it, and the really quick reload speed. One of my favourite guns in the game IMO.

Also welcome to the forums!

Hey, thanks. :slight_smile:

And yeah, those qualities also definitely add to the short shotgun’s utility as an “oh shit” gun, though I use slugs because I have a good supply of those. I pondered putting a more bread-and-butter pistol in my holster, but I figured that if I’m going to be resorting to using ammo it’d be in an emergency, so the short shotgun it was. (I still grab my double-barrel shotgun or long-range .223-caliber rifle if I know I’m going into a situation that calls for firepower, though.)

A fireaxe and a handgun for turrents. I avoid tankbots, just about anything else I can defeat.

Smoke bombs and caffeine pills(and or other stims). Very easy GTFO kit to assemble early on in the game.

RM228 Short shotgun in an ankle holster, as well as piles of hemostatic and antiseptic powder. Both flat out restore health alongside their stated effects, so can be usefulin a pinch. I also keep a sewing kit and soldering iron handy for fiels repairs.
Meth and methacola can both be real life savers, though.

when all my weapons are damaged or stuck in some zombro’s I like to break out the old fists of fury and punch my way out!

A big bunch of Molotov cocktails can solve just about anything.

I keep a shit-ton of molotovs in my car. When I assault a triffid grove, I become a being of pure fire and destruction. Plus I can wade through flames, so I have no reason to be careful with my fire.

Yes, my Molotov is the most frequently used item in my bag of tricks - has gotten me out of at least 2 sticky situations so far.

Just made my first control laptop, so we’ll see how well that works! Also, whoever say caff pills + smoke bomb as an early game trick is a genius.

Maybe I’m just the odd one out, but molotov cocktails have proven to be pretty mediocre against things like jabberwocks in my experience. Perhaps it was just that I was playing a character too weak to break the bottles against the target; they bounced off and landed in an adjacent tile and then exploded.

I don’ t know about molotov in particular, but fire in general works absurdly well against them. If it bounces off like that, try getting them to walk into it. They don’t seem to bother trying to sidestep fire that I’ve seen.