Haha, after another glorious death (which was actually very shameful) I made a new character, investing in no skills.
So he has a few god traits and a few bad traits with suitable strength. I straight away decide, I’m going to be a Gun Maniac.
Instead of metagame thinking and going to my old death where I knew there was backpack I check my map and (Facepalm) a Gun Store was right on the outskirts alone. (Why I never went there with my last character…?)
So I arm my pocket knife, nothing in the basement : ( and go to the gun store…
WOOT, only 2 normal Z’s guarding it, must be my lucky day (Static Spawn)
Choose 2 weapons and all the ammo they use… A Taurus Pro and AR15… (I had no idea which weapons I should get but based off the descriptions I decided on those too, were some better ones but no ammo for them…)
So go to the nearest house… 1 Z behind it, kill him, beat him to a pulp then butcher him for good measure, then go inside, making a bit of noise by throwing a stone through the back window. Cleaned window and climbed in. WOOT, a backpack, ran into bathroom then kitchen and attracted a lot of attention through the front window, so ran… All the way back to the lonely gun store…
So I wanted to board up the windows, smashed every counter, grabbed a couple of rocks made a hammer, then board up the windows. Running low on planks but loads of heavy sticks… : ( Need a Wood Saw…
So run along road to nowhere, find traps and in the middle, a shit load of wood and a Wood Saw (Definitely my lucky day).
Woot, I have better things happen, but now, I’m not save scumming, I start with only 6 points instead of 24 and all now I’m used to the game (And save scumming killed the whole point of the game)
Now I’m in an abandoned gun store, with board up windows… Was going to do the door, but get the feeling It will make it unopenable…
So now…? I guess, I just wait till night, with no books…