What's happening in YOUR randomly generated apocalypse? Part 2!

Lake…not ocean. Lol

You never know. :eyes::sweat_drops:

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Naw man. She’s just aggravated…not suicidal.

I just killed a zombie master by shooting it with my shortbow while riding a bike in circles around it. This game is amazing.


One mutant and survivor to another, are you against cybernetic modification to help with your vision? Would the RivTec diamond cornea CBM help correct for that?

If you think you’re likely mutate again, I’d honestly recommend against this though, as I don’t know how your eyes would turn out if they were to be affected via mutation again. The flesh would adapt, but the synthetic would not.

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Maddy was born and raised in the Appalachian mountains. She can barely work a cell phone…even in 205X so cybernetics are out of the question.

Deleted my upteenth world because I broke into a bank with x5 item spawn and then the game got boring again… What’s a challenge even for high powered characters?

Not surrendering to ennui.


Fistfight shoggoths and giant slugs.

X5 item spawn? Are you insane? Of course it’ll get easy


Fight everything naked

You can start with matching your enemy spawn rate to your item drop rate, whatever you decided that’s going to be this time.

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It was x7 enemies with the x5 item spawn. So maybe x10 enemies and x3 items? What should I do for health and speed and other settings?

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Try a no guns, no PA challenge, I had a lot of fun last time I did that. I basically RP’d as a ninja, no non human mutations (so nothing that would make it obvious you weren’t a normal human), no death mobile and no CBMs that were “too obvious”, because to me they weren’t “ninja” enough.

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My character butchered the human corpse in order to make lamp oil, after that he was playing the flute for some time and then he decided to go to sleep

Stopped in at my favorite subway relaxin spot. Finally got to shed all this gear and rest ma tar’ed leggies. Tuff week. Only gonna get tuffer. Im afeard the Hulker i saw earlier is a trackin me. For now tho ima warsh maself ouf. Maybe even practice ma readin.


Kevin “Hitman” Tawse, bionic gangster, has had some ups and downs since society collapsed. He made it to an evac shelter and took a job to kill someone’s mother again. While working on that, he’s ran into a couple more people, several of whom have tried to kill him. He had a Glock, they didn’t, so he’s picked up some useful supplies off their corpses. The gal who asked him to kill her dead mom wasn’t very interested in hanging out with him, though.

His suit got torn up fighting zombies, but he’s found some new threads. They’re not nearly as stylish, but they’re keeping him alive. At least he still has his hat.

He spent most of yesterday moving out of the evac center and into a LMOE shelter on the edge of town. He found a Mossberg 500 and 28 shells in there, so he’s got a backup weapon when he runs out of 9mm. And he met another lady who also wanted him to rekill her dead mom, and she decided to move with him. Some kind of weird experiment chick - but she’s super strong and fast.

The best part is that he was exploring across the street from his LMOE shelter, and found a clandestine autodoc clinic! Now he just needs some CBMs and such.


Finished up my nutriment machine mini mod, encountered a chicken walker that fired a rocket point blank at a wall killing itself instantly and am currently considering dismantling a tank to add to my land dreadnought.


Jessie dusted off her hands and nodded with satifaction, she had worked hard to fill her freezer full of wholesome foodstuffs ready for the winter months that were to come. Everything from forest gathered fruits, vegetables and mushrooms to the best part of a moose she’d hunted down. There was coal to keep her warm and atomic lamps to light her home and read the good book by. Mother had always taught her that the Lord helped those that helped themselves and she liked to think her mother would be proud of her work. Still, winter was some weeks away and she wasn’t one to rest on her laurels, while the weather held there was still much work that could be done.

Loving the fridges and freezers you get with the Aftershock mod, I’ve got space for mini fridges and freezers but it just doesn’t feel right with a stationary base having a room full of them and certainly doesn’t look anywhere near as neat.


Realize that a pickaxe or jackhammer might have to be apart of my standard kit, as I’ve just gotten trapped in the stairwell of a reasearch lab (for reasons unknown, I guess it must’ve been a fire escape…) and have braved the under parts to no avail…

I guess I’ll jump from the building and hope for the best…

Also the mechanical levers apparrently don’t do anything in the room before the lab.

How do I get out with the best possible survival chance? Otherwise, what are some options?