What's happening in YOUR randomly generated apocalypse? Part 2!

It seems to be something special, the map labels it as “Central Lab” and its god damn huge, no joke. It has a hidden entrance on the surface but I don’t think you’d ever find it like that. I found it when I discovered a lab that was connected to it via an underground rail system. It had 11 other labs on the same system as well as the central lab, my character has been exploring down there for over a month :weary:


Had a close shave with some fun-guys. Despite wearing 100% coverage clothing on every part of my body, I still retained a fungal infection (maybe damage compromised my coverage?). So I had to rush around the area scavenging glass bottles to craft a basic chemistry kit in order to craft fungicide. I got the chem kit, and then the fungicide craft failed and I lost the disinfectant. After panicking a moment I realized I had some first aid kits with disinfectant. So I disassembled those and had enough disinfectant for one more attempt, otherwise I was screwed since there wasn’t any locations nearby where I was likely to find fungicide/antifungal drugs or more disinfectant. A quick prayer to RNGesus and the second crafting attempt succeeds. I shove down the fungicide until I’m cured, and I take a breather.
I should get a mobile base going so I can get out of this mushroom-y hellhole ASAP.


Was sitting in an LMOE shelter base after a successful 7 floor lab looting, about to make a bunch of emp grenades to get the smartshot purifier at the bottom because carnivor and an all plant based food supply currently. Take a mutagen syrum for funsies, gain freakishly huge, bursting my plate armor, barbute, all my packs and my army pants, combat boots, a thoroughly good setup exploded leaving me naked and covered in bark. So, that went terribly. 0 Tailor skill so guess I’m going for a nudist run. Gotten from 6 strength to 14 now from mutations with regeneration with mutagen so hopefully my raw stats can carry my nudist ass.


And suddenly I have a terrifing image of this wandering around:


Seems about right honestly.

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Another peaceful drive through town


Something seems fishy about the Old Guard…



That would be pretty cool for a game, have randomized goals for each faction, meaning you can have:
Raiders with the goal of trying to help people out
Old Guard who want eveything for themselves
Survivors (Old?) who want the best for everyone

Maybe you could have an all bad faction roll, or an all good faction roll too.

Speaking of the raiders


Now they are not exactly heroes, but they are still pretty tame when compared with the Old Guard.

That is a behemoth of a vehicle sir. Please tell me you named it the Land Titanic. Watch out for mailboxes though.


I can just imagine bringing home a crate of Hell’s Raiders branded apples to make apple pie.
“Those Hell’s Raiders sure are a nice bunch, the guy running the stand on the side of the road chatted with me and he told me how much they respect the law.”


Alas no, I deliberately stayed away from names like Titan(ic), Behemoth, Dreadnought etc as I believed they are a bit overused. I named her “Dauntless” for that is what she is :slight_smile:

I’d love to build a Mortal Engines style mobile base. But that dream is impractical until they change how engines in parallel work; the diminishing returns from stacking motors prevent this from being practical. Collision damage too I suspect.

Just looked it up, pretty sweet ride tbf but you are right about collisions, 90% of the damage my baby takes is from pushing stuff out the way

If the developers stick to a vaguely physical model of play, Mortal Engines style vehicles aren’t going to work. Even once you solve for problems such as raw power, ground pressure and traction, you’re ultimately going to come up against pure material strength.

The larger a vehicle gets, the more devastating its collisions get compared to the potential tensile strength of its frame/hull. At a certain point even carefully engineered reinforced steel just isn’t strong enough any more and the moment your 500,000 ton vehicle impacts something comparatively solid (like a slope or rock face), the forward hull or suspension is just going to crush like an eggshell.

This is why even heavily armored warships can be badly damaged or outright hulled by modest collisions - their momentum simply vastly overpowers their armored hulls and they crush like tin cans. It’s an application of the square-cube law where mass increases exponentially faster than surface area with an increase in volume.

You can see the inverse application of this law with tiny insects. You can flick an ant off of you with an amount of force that will vastly out-measure anything the little guy has ever experienced, and it will very likely remain completely unharmed. In this case his mass is so small compared to his surface area that acceleration force your utterly massive finger applies against him does not significantly challenge the structural strength of his exoskeleton.


These are given by random, and still exists even in the latest build…

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I’m very aware an actual Mortal Engines scale base is impossible. Those reasons you listed above are just the tip of the iceberg.

But I’m an engineer, so for me the problem isn’t “Why can’t I make this fictional thing a reality”, and is instead “How much will reality let me get away with”.

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I have no problem with a game that works with city sized vehicles, certainly - but this particular game seems to be going much more in the ‘gritty simulation’ direction - though it DOES have one of the most interesting ground vehicle construction systems out there.

Empyrion and Space Engineers aren’t too bad on that front however, though they’re both more oriented towards air/space vehicles.

You should call that baby a Spitzmaus. or Mammut if you don’t want to joke about its size.

It would be somewhat fitting but tbf I borrowed Dauntless from the name of a spaceship from my favourite sci fi book series.
I’d post a picture but Deathstalker is pretty obscure stuff so there isn’t a lot of fan art about, it was the biggest, most advanced ship of its class when it was built. I could spend all day talking about Deathstalker but I’ll restrain myself :stuck_out_tongue:

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