What kills you the most?

well, wolves and dogs are just folowing me, its more anyoing than danger but wildlife is worse than zombies

[quote=“sting_auer, post:58, topic:6006”]I do not have animal discord, nor do I have animal empathy.

All it takes is one wolf attacking me and suddenly every single animal in the area is aggroed (even freaking WEASELS get the “aggro” tag!).[/quote]

I have noticed this and it doesn’t happen all the time. A few games ago, I was having daily (in game) zolve and zombear attacks. And then things got worse: the non zombie animals arrived and were really aggro. Moose breaking into my boarded up house and waking me up, bears attacking me from a distance (the always seemed ambivalent in the past), dogs and wolves attacking me. They didn’t do this at every moment, but that particular game had way more aggressive animals. My base was ~15 squares from forest and was on the edge of town, a usual location for my bases. Felt a bit odd, I was more afraid of wildlife than the zombies that game.

Anyway, to whomever originally started this discussion, I have seen this too. None of my characters have ever had animal empathy or discord, although in the game mentioned above, might as well have had animal discord. It doesn’t seem to happen all the time (current game nuisance: eyebots EVERYWHERE!), but it does happen.


Reading a playboy in town and suddenly the NPC charges towards me bringing a jabberwock.