[quote=“trusty_patches, post:5, topic:3186”]There is already a weapon suggestion topic in the Lab part of the forum.
Not pretending, just noticing.[/quote]
I read your name like 100 times and NOW I know who you are… lol
[quote=“Iosyn, post:6, topic:3186”]Derringers might be cool. I suggested something similar, but they got shot down. There’s a market out there that makes single-shot pistols with rifle cartridges. Very fast to reload, they’d pack much more power than a derringer too, a real nice back up weapon. you generally break them like a double-barrel shotgun, pull the spent case and shove a fresh one in, although people have been known to make ridiculous shit like a .45-70 Gov’t Revolver. Just listen~~<3
For some reason people have made cut-down AKs and ARs, but those are just stupid. the cut-down AK looks like a goddamn AK-74U, and the cut-down AR looks just plain stupid. I’m amazed people can actually call them pistols, because they’re really not.
This is the kind of thing I was thinking of. image is a thompson arms contender, although I think they’ve stopped production for some calibers (namely I’m not sure if they still make a .30-06 version but models are still available in .500 SW and .45-70-- and guys, just a note these are freakin huge for a handgun. .500 S&W in particular has been used to hunt elephants, bears, bison, moose etc…[/quote]
Awesome weapons! I hope those and those cute but brute derringers will make it into the game.
Okay I went trough that 16 paged thread and filtered through the suggestions:
I left out unlikely(sorry for you, giant dildo ;_
and already implemented stuff (and doubled suggestions of course)
Dragunov SVD
Mosin-Nagant M91/30
Glock 18
Sig 550
Makarov PM
5.45x39mm 5N7
5.45x39mm 7N10
7.62x54mmR 7N1
7.62x54mmR 7N13
A military pick.
A lighter mace.
Fire Axe
Golf club
Quarter staff
Nerve gas
At least two or three different two handed swords.
Some type of short sword
Dumb bells
Small throwing knives, darts, or shurikens could be found/produced in stacks and take up very little volume, but rely on really high skill to do meaningful damage.
Throwing clubs could be cumbersome, but easy to produce/survival-based and moderately powerful.
Throwing axes could be really powerful, but difficult to find/produce.
More exotic stuff just for fun and flavor, like hand torpedos, flying guillotines, chakrams, etc.
knuckle dusters
would be nice to add for unarmed strikes, and if we want to throw in some nails for spiked knuckle dusters, then why not?
spud gun
used to fire rocks and, well, potatoes. a good early survivor cannon. pipe - pilot light - duct tape. for fuel i guess the butane from spray cans?
and i know it won’t be great against zombies but just for the flair: whips.
Glock 21
Vibroblades (very, very sharp, very fragile) in knife and sword varieties
Monomolecular whips (again very sharp, very fragile)
And guns:
Smartguns (increased accuracy if you have the accompanying CBM installed)
EMP rifles
Bolt Rifles (shoot electricity)
Using existing ammo:
Smith & Wesson Model 29
FN FNX-45 Tactical (aka Tac-45)
Beretta M93 Raffica
Beretta 92FS
Browning Hi-Power
M3A1 “Grease Gun”
M1A1 Thompson
M1 Garand
M1918 BAR
Walther P38
M16A4 (3-round-burst)
H&K UMP-40
Springfield M1903
Winchester Model 1866
Winchester Model 1887
Kel-Tec PLR16 (technically a handgun)
Webley Mk. VI
Sawn-off Model 1887 (we have a sawn-off Saiga-12)
Needs new ammo:
Colt Python
Winchester Model 1894
Colt Peacemaker
Barrett M107
Accuracy International AS-50
Desert Eagle .50 AE
M1 Carbine
Lee-Enfiend No. 4 Mk. 1
Karabiner 98k
New ammo required:
.357 Magnum
.50 BMG/12.7x99mm NATO and
.50 Action Express
.30 Carbine
.303 British
7.92x57mm Mauser
7.92x33mm Kurz
Kukri (phillipinese knife-sword)
Sabre (like the ones from Civil war)
Trench knife (knife+knuckledusters in one, could make you deliver alternating stabbing and punching damage, and can’t be pulled out of hand, unless they break your fingers)
CZ line of pistols
Skorpion (small smg)
Panzerfaust and/or Bazooka along with really rare ammo for them (they should be collector stuff I guess)
FAMAS (bullpup french rifle)
Dragunov sniper rifle
Barrett cal. 50 (that’s ought to put down anything)
High explosive grenade
White phosphor grenade
I guess I can’t add good old german potato masher… the charge would probably be useless if it’s in future
Claymore mine
Nuclear bomb. I’m not kidding.
Semtex charge
Thermite charge - very special sort, could be used to cut through something which can’t be cut. Reminds me that jackhammer would destroy its tip while smashing metal doors, or your dude would bounce for an hour, that’s sort of unrealistic. I love this stuff, really, it cuts everything. Thermite - Wikipedia
Home made shrapnel grenade with really weak explosive power (like one tile) and produces a rain of shrapnel that showers and shreds anything standing near
Makeshift Zip-gun
Heckler & Koch G11
Medieval Battle Axe
Non-makeshift Halberd (If they aren’t in yet, the wiki doesn’t list them)
That smaller shovel used in trenches from WW1 and WW2
Xm307(Deploys like a funnel activate to mount it and shoot. Could also work with sniper rifles and machine guns on bi/tripods.)
Gatling Gun/Mini gun
Drum magazines that come in two different flavors: Single drum and double drum. One for pistols, shotguns, and rifles.
Ballistic Shield
Throwing knives
Smashed glass bottle (stabbing)
Knuckleduster, fist pack, sap gloves, fist load, tekko, punch dagger, cestus, katar.
Basically some weaponry that uses the unarmed combat skill, so folks who want to brawl but don’t have martial arts can still do some real damage.
Harpoon guns
Stun baton
Tesla Conductor Based Device
Basically it’s a flail with the circular saw disk as a hitting part.
And also whip made out of the chainsaw’s chain. Put some rags on one end to use them as a handle, rip the flesh of your enemies with another.
- Sabre. Well, we’ve got katanas, broadswords and even zweihanders. We clearly need some sabres.
- Scythe. Because… well, scythe.