We make bad suggestions and come up with horrible ideas

Unless the female NPC is bearded.

[Use Google translator]
Please reduce the hunger and thirst of the character. Or write a mod. Now the character eats like an elephant, but also a predator :slight_smile: Eat Moose for breakfast is not a problem and drink water canister. Continuous feeding and watering a little tiring. I beg you to pay attention to my request. Thank you.

This is for bad, joke, not serious suggestions. That is a sensible, good, decent idea. :V

Mind over manner trait. The greater your intelligence compared to the subject, the lower your social abilities with them will be.

Pepper bomb, ruin the zombies sense of smell and make them sneeze violently.

Nude bomb. Reduces a massive heap of scrap clothing into rags and thread.

Frequent scare-messages in the game (cannot be turned off) informing that the game will become commercial software in Dec 24th to celebrate consumerism, capitalism, over-population and the overuse of natural resources. Include veiled suggestions that game development responsibilites will be transferred to the glorious and universally appraised Microsoft and Ubisoft corporations. Micro-transactions, DLCs, purchasable mods… Promise all the horrors. Also, drop and ban Linux support.

Don’t forget that Microsoft and Ubisoft will work together with BioWare in order to create an astounding ending to the game. Like, choose one of three colors…Mass Effect 3 anyone? ugh.

Suicide with “Q” can be failed. The failure rate is determined with a huge equation involving all the stats, melee skills and items in pack. A failed suicide does nothing except giving you a morale debuff so big that is suicide inducing. So there would be a chance that suiciding in a bad situation would cause you to enter a never-ending circle where you commits suicide and fail, the lower morale then cause you to auto suicide which would fail again, dragging your morale even lower and cause another failed auto-suicide.

Genital mutations and abilities (Beast: You gain the superhung mutation! Mycus spores: you stroke your fungal tower and release your virile spores upon the well-endowed maiden face of the landscape. Cephalopod: Tentacles…and schizophrenia…Miku: a prime target for exploration using all 8 of your soft tentacles)

Genital mutations…

How about a knotted one for dog/beast mutants? Gives a grapple bonus, because once you’re stuck…8D

Cat-mutants will have a spikey one. Oh my, small bonus piercing damage? Only applies if equipped with wood~

Of course, one would have to also get sex into the game then. And maybe new sex toys, because a vibrator won’t be enough.

…god, now I have perverted Ideas, thanks a lot.

Don’t tempt me, or ideas involving vore will ensue. :V

Make a mod. Now. With Genital Vore, just because you can! I dare you!

Didn’t know you from that side.

At least it’s not transformation or inflation

[Temptation Intensifies]

[quote=“Coolthulhu, post:3554, topic:3101”]Didn’t know you from that side.

At least it’s not transformation or inflation

I have made jokes about that on occasion. o3o

Though to be serious, I generally don’t care much for vore mods, even if it’s be an amusing effort from a technical standpoint (same reason why I consider H-Doom better as a scripting accomplishment, not as actual porn).

[Temptation Intensifies][/quote]

I’ll give you…a cookie! You can do vore with that cookie too! >:3

Nuuu. :V

new npc in refugee centers who will mark another refugee center what needs your help on your map

Why the hell did I look vore up?! And I don’t go the Wikipedia route, I always watch videos of what I research. I’m scarred.
