Vehicle Show and Tell

I love Heruedhel’s car.

Finally finished my ATV.

Can’t see shit when you drive in it though :frowning:

Hitting 160 in a big glass ball using naught but my 10 toe turbo just feels right.

It’s beautiful :’)

I agree :slight_smile:

What happens if you redline a feet powered car for too long?

(pleasepleaseplease exploding legs?)

Logrin, that’s beauty right there :slight_smile: Now I want to jump right into the game and make one for myself too.

[quote=“Logrin, post:264, topic:207”]

Hitting 160 in a big glass ball using naught but my 10 toe turbo just feels right.[/quote]

…Welp, congrats. You’ve impressed me. XD

I do like that ball…

Meet the “Compact” Eterogenous “Lightweight” Extremely Strong Treesmashing Istantaneous Automobile.

C.E.L.E.S.T.I.A. for short.

She weights 5351 Kilograms while unloaded and its 7 large electric motors are powered by 11 reinforced solar panels in a cross shape.
Its outer armor is made of reinforced windshields, hard plated for extreme damage resistance and wall-bashing. Everything else is steel plated.
The front has also an addictional spiked plating with two reinforced windshields for looks. Sadly, I died before I could come back home to install some spikes because of a dermatik infection which broke my limbs and brought me to 901 pain for some reason.
It features a welding rig for quick fixes, a minifridge, a kitchen unit, a foodco kitchen buddy, a bed and 24 Trunks, giving this vehicle a total volume of 10000 (counting the bed and the seat).
It is capable of going through an infinite amount of forest tiles without taking any damage.
A maximum speed of 1200 Km/h with a negligible fuel consumption. Driving for 100 tiles in a straight line consumes 10% of its power, which is quickly regained in five minutes in the sun.
It is unstoppable.
That zombear clawed at it for hours without even scratching it.
It looks rad as hell.
It outlived its driver.
If you didn’t think solar energy was overpowered before, you should now. Hard.
Gentlemen, I give you the car to end all cars.
Make good use of it.



Where do you find FOODCO kitchen buddies? Can they be crafted? Are they better than the regular kitchen units?

[quote=“trelatyraelis, post:271, topic:207”]Meet the “Compact” Eterogenous “Lightweight” Extremely Strong Treesmashing Istantaneous Automobile.

C.E.L.E.S.T.I.A. for short.

She weights 5351 Kilograms while unloaded and its 7 large electric motors are powered by 11 reinforced solar panels in a cross shape.
Its outer armor is made of reinforced windshields, hard plated for extreme damage resistance and wall-bashing. Everything else is steel plated.
The front has also an addictional spiked plating with two reinforced windshields for looks. Sadly, I died before I could come back home to install some spikes because of a dermatik infection which broke my limbs and brought me to 901 pain for some reason.
It features a welding rig for quick fixes, a minifridge, a kitchen unit, a foodco kitchen buddy, a bed and 24 Trunks, giving this vehicle a total volume of 10000 (counting the bed and the seat).
It is capable of going through an infinite amount of forest tiles without taking any damage.
A maximum speed of 1200 Km/h with a negligible fuel consumption. Driving for 100 tiles in a straight line consumes 10% of its power, which is quickly regained in five minutes in the sun.
It is unstoppable.
That zombear clawed at it for hours without even scratching it.
It looks rad as hell.
It outlived its driver.
If you didn’t think solar energy was overpowered before, you should now. Hard.
Gentlemen, I give you the car to end all cars.
Make good use of it.[/quote]


[quote=“EkarusRyndren, post:273, topic:207”][quote=“trelatyraelis, post:271, topic:207”]Meet the “Compact” Eterogenous “Lightweight” Extremely Strong Treesmashing Istantaneous Automobile.

C.E.L.E.S.T.I.A. for short.

She weights 5351 Kilograms while unloaded and its 7 large electric motors are powered by 11 reinforced solar panels in a cross shape.
Its outer armor is made of reinforced windshields, hard plated for extreme damage resistance and wall-bashing. Everything else is steel plated.
The front has also an addictional spiked plating with two reinforced windshields for looks. Sadly, I died before I could come back home to install some spikes because of a dermatik infection which broke my limbs and brought me to 901 pain for some reason.
It features a welding rig for quick fixes, a minifridge, a kitchen unit, a foodco kitchen buddy, a bed and 24 Trunks, giving this vehicle a total volume of 10000 (counting the bed and the seat).
It is capable of going through an infinite amount of forest tiles without taking any damage.
A maximum speed of 1200 Km/h with a negligible fuel consumption. Driving for 100 tiles in a straight line consumes 10% of its power, which is quickly regained in five minutes in the sun.
It is unstoppable.
That zombear clawed at it for hours without even scratching it.
It looks rad as hell.
It outlived its driver.
If you didn’t think solar energy was overpowered before, you should now. Hard.
Gentlemen, I give you the car to end all cars.
Make good use of it.[/quote]


Actually there is ONE car. The “streetsweeper”. I’ve seen it once in a pic, but I can’t find it anywhere. it was 10 times the size of this car, all spiked plating and blades.
But yeah, It IS a challenge.

Also, foodcoKBs are craftable after reading a specific book.

Very well, without even opening CDDA… The Latest build of the Ryndren Mobile Command Center: Earlier Post
It’s got the aerodynamics of a brick and the weight of a dying star.

Sunslammer II is done!

It’s kinda crazy powerful. The two compartments to the sides are the enclosed living/crafting/essential storage space and the solar reactor. Powered by a 1.989 E30 kg fusion reactor (Not the biggest around, but 99% less chance of burning out into a black hole), this vehicle has 9 electricity transfer panels, around 10 or 12 storage batteries, 5 gas tanks, A V6, A V8, and 2 large electric motors.

It weighs stupidly much.
Not a competitor for biggest vehicle, but i’m happy with it. Sunslammer III will be geared towards a smaller, more maneuverable base. I keep losing my stuff inside the like 102 trunks that are on this thing. It has been designed so that when the back shutter door is opened, you can actually see out the back. Perfect for avoiding backing into stuff. The frontal cockpit has a side and front full vision, and the use of plated trunk doors for the windshields allows me to shoot out of the thing when needed and barricade myself in the cockpit when needed as well. When in the enclosed area, you can craft, make repairs, sleep, cook, and forge stuff without worrying about anything intruding upon your slumber. There are 24 wheels on the bottom and it’s quite nice to live in. I hope I won’t destroy it too soon XD

EDIT: I was speeding through a forest to get to a triffid grove I thought was in that direction, and I lost the entire thing in a river. A river that was 2 map tiles across, and just big enough so that Sunslammer II could get sunk in it. It was the most hilarious thing. One moment i’m rumbling around in this monster of a vehicle, listening to the smashing of trees, when suddenly I hear splashing and then there’s no more Sunslammer. Hilariously, I was above the water for one turn after it sank, and then the message
"You sink like a rock!"
I died to a jabberwocky in the night, after trying to make my way back somewhere safe.

I can imagine the scene now, in a Wile E coyote like sequence:
Scene 1: Crazy hobo cackling and driving around pillaging the forest in crazy death tank
Scene 2: He hears loads of splashing outside, but keeps going through. His car starts sinking, and he doesn’t notice. While the rest of the vehicle around him sinks, he stays in the air.
Scene 3: He looks down at the vehicle he’s no longer sitting in, then to the audience. He gulps and falls into the lake as gravity realizes something’s wrong.
Scene 4: Grumbling, the crazy hobo gets out of the water, soaking wet. He looks up at the sly jabberwocky that is here suddenly. Crazy hobo gets eaten by jabberwocky, cut to black.

In retrospect, this could have been avoided had I repaired my headlights. I figured I didn’t need it because I was driving an invincible deathmobile, right? I am not going to try and recover it, though, as A: don’t know how to, and B: I had my fun. My character had like 3.2K killcount by the end of it.

Silent stare

thumbs up


This revolutionary new design is designed with a couple things in mind: Firstly, I found that bashing stuff even with proper plating could sometimes demolish the squishy internals. Second: The new scent stuff makes it so that being on the side of a vehicle like Sunslammer II attracts zombears stupidly often. Third: Sunslammer II was just too fucking big. Impractical, if not ridiculous, Sunslammer III has been slimmed down significantly. The central chamber maximises the amount of storage space by stuffing floor trunks and trunks into the central chamber. The middle, of course, has a bed in the middle and 4 solar panels in the cardinal directions. The &s are the mounted forge, the welding rig, and the RV kitchen unit, making the central spot a one-stop crafting, sleeping, reading, sewing, and general living hub. The massive amount of storage allows me not to be choosy when it comes to looting and in general, this is still hefty enough to demolish everything without breaking apart too easily.

Built off the base of an RV, one of the most key features of this craft is the field of vision. The protruding “cockpit” allows the pilot to see everything in a 200 degree field of vision, and the shutter doors in the back allow the player to open them and see the back, in case of backing up.

The trunk doors in the cockpit can be opened and closed to allow you to shoot when needed, and is in general much more repairable than regular windshields. Being trunk doors, it takes one keypress to open or close them.

Here’s a pic of the FOV. You can also see some already butchered carnage on the side over there. And a dog.

This mobile field base is incredibly eco-friendly. Sunslammer III is powered by the same 1.989 E30 kg fusion reactor lovingly monikered “Sol”. With 99% less chance of becoming a black hole upon expiring, this hydrogen-helium reactor is well known for being reliable and powerful.

The makers of this product are not responsible for destruction wreaked upon your home solar system upon expiry. Do not use if expiry date has been reached, as reddened or bright white state may not bring correct results. Evacuate solar system prior to expiry date. If sunspots exceeding the defined acceptable range, evacuate solar system immediately.

[size=8pt]I have not looked through the entire thread, so this may have been done already. I don’t mess with vehicles that much in the game but if I did, I think I would recreate Dead Reckoning from Land of the Dead.[/size]


First car I ever made:

still a work in progress. Where can a guy find reinforced glass?
No idea how to improve K dynamics or fuel usage.

@Dwarfkoala I’ve found that a long, thin vehicle (So long as it’s not too long) works better than a short fat one.

@Anonymous …What I’ve found in the past dwarfs Dead Reckoning. Truth be told most the vehicles we build do. (We being the forum users.)

@Bonevomit Nice start, but small for my tastes. As far as I understand a higher K Dynamics is good, but a low K Mass is also good. As far as changing them, I don’t know how to go about getting them where one would want them. As far as fuel useage goes, you can’t really “fix” that.