Vehicle and artifact bugs in 0.A Stable SDL on Win XP

I’ve noticed that if a seatbelt is destroyed, I can remove the seat it is connected to, and the seatbelt will drop as a tattered rope(short or long), instead of checking to see whether or not there is a connecting component, in this case the destroyed seatbelt. This has let me build up quite a stockpile of long ropes since 4 short ropes can be recovered from all vehicles including wrecks.

When disassembling vehicle batteries it only returns 1 clean water, and 1 concentrated acid rather than the amount used in construction. if acid rain is going to be more difficult to get then batteries are the next easiest place to salvage concentrated acid from.

Artifacts I don’t see a lot of discussion about so I’ll spoiler this.

With the internal furnace CBM wooden artifacts can be consumed. metal artifacts may also be recycleable, I did not try that. “You eat your Harp of Forgotten Evil.”

Super Clairvoyance behaves wierdly. light isn’t always respected(being inside a curtained vehicle with headlights on won’t show the area the light would reveal), but control V will always reveal items and monsters, even those that cannot be seen by vision/night vision.

All artifact armors have a coverage of 3-5%, is that intended?

I’ve greatly enjoyed CDDA, keep up the great work.

[quote=“Nathan_, post:1, topic:6903”]I’ve noticed that if a seatbelt is destroyed, I can remove the seat it is connected to, and the seatbelt will drop as a tattered rope(short or long), instead of checking to see whether or not there is a connecting component, in this case the destroyed seatbelt. This has let me build up quite a stockpile of long ropes since 4 short ropes can be recovered from all vehicles including wrecks.

When disassembling vehicle batteries it only returns 1 clean water, and 1 concentrated acid rather than the amount used in construction. if acid rain is going to be more difficult to get then batteries are the next easiest place to salvage concentrated acid from.

Artifacts I don’t see a lot of discussion about so I’ll spoiler this.

With the internal furnace CBM wooden artifacts can be consumed. metal artifacts may also be recycleable, I did not try that. “You eat your Harp of Forgotten Evil.”

Super Clairvoyance behaves wierdly. light isn’t always respected(being inside a curtained vehicle with headlights on won’t show the area the light would reveal), but control V will always reveal items and monsters, even those that cannot be seen by vision/night vision.

All artifact armors have a coverage of 3-5%, is that intended?

I’ve greatly enjoyed CDDA, keep up the great work.[/quote]

Seatbelts is a bug. Batteries, probably somewhat prorated but worth discussing. Artifacts, eating 'em is Interesting but IMO not outside reasonablity, Super Clairvoyance should only happen on the Debug cube so that’s not an issue, and armor coverage is a bug.

Thanks for reporting.

Super Clairvoyance should only happen on the Debug cube so that's not an issue
Its appearing on artifacts farmed from faults.

[quote=“Nathan_, post:3, topic:6903”]

Super Clairvoyance should only happen on the Debug cube so that’s not an issue

Its appearing on artifacts farmed from faults.[/quote]

OK, then that’s a problem. Thanks.