Use holster - attach item with SHEATH_KNIFE, BELT_CLIP flag

The functionality/meaning of holster changed with nested pockets. If you have a backpack with the use action it essentially means any and all items can be ‘holstered, drawn’ from the item providing there is space etc.

When I “use holster” to attach item e.g hammer or knife, it goes into the the first pocket that has free space. It will ignore any higher numbered pockets that specifically has the holster “true” setting and/or flag restrictions like BELT_CLIP.

(I think the holster setting now just means if it’s true, you can only have one item or one type if it has charges. )

I couldn’t see a way to attach it to a specific pocket. You would have to fill up all ‘prior’ pockets first before the restricted one is checked. I was wondering if this was intended?

It makes less sense to have an item e.g backpack have a secondary pocket that has a flag restriction. Unless you make that pocket 1 for instance, or it’s a tool belt or something along those lines.

I saw there is an pocket autopickup function that you can specify whitelists/blacklists but haven’t played with that.

On a side:
Does the below information in need to be updated? This info is defined in the pocket now and multi doesn’t have any meaning now.

“use_action”: {
“type”: “holster”, // Holster or draw a weapon
“holster_prompt”: “Holster item”, // Prompt to use when selecting an item
“holster_msg”: “You holster your %s”, // Message to show when holstering an item
“max_volume”: “1500 ml”, // Maximum volume of each item that can be holstered. Volume in ml and L can be used - “50 ml” or “2 L”.
“min_volume”: “750 ml”, // Minimum volume of each item that can be holstered or 1/3 max_volume if unspecified. volume in ml and L can be used - “50 ml” or “2 L”.
“max_weight”: 2000, // Maximum weight of each item. If unspecified no weight limit is imposed
“multi”: 1, // Total number of items that holster can contain
“draw_cost”: 10, // Base move cost per unit volume when wielding the contained item
“skills”: [“pistol”, “shotgun”], // Guns using any of these skills can be holstered
“flags”: [“SHEATH_KNIFE”, “SHEATH_SWORD”] // Items with any of these flags set can be holstered