Uncap the maximum and minimum stat point limits

Now that we’re able to start our character with a thousand initial points, can we uncap the maximum stat points of 20?

I want to be able to create the post-apocalyptic God that should not be.

I want to see twenty map tiles with a hundred perception.

I want to be able to drag a military vehicle with two hundred stength.

Sure, I could very easily cheat engine it. But I could do that with the initial character creation points too, and you guys fixed that.

I like to be able to make a sort of debug character, an unnatural mutant, meant to test conditions that aren’t too great for actual game play. But it would be best if this were available without too much inconvenience.

I’d like to be able to do it in the future without using cheat engine. Would this be feasible?

This came up in the Git discussion on the uncapping: originally Chase-san wanted to pull the cap altogether. Kevin vetoed that and I don’t blame him.

Basically, if you want to break the game that badly, you’re gonna have to do it yourself, in your own version.

[quote=“KA101, post:2, topic:5063”]This came up in the Git discussion on the uncapping: originally Chase-san wanted to pull the cap altogether. Kevin vetoed that and I don’t blame him.

Basically, if you want to break the game that badly, you’re gonna have to do it yourself, in your own version.[/quote]

Chasesan? Who the hell is Chasen?

I don’t blame him, I mean, it’s a pretty small programming decision, but it’d be nice to have an option to have initial character creation stats uncapped.

Easier option, edit your player save, but no, will not be allowing starting with superhuman stats as an official option, it breaks all kinds of assumptions the game makes, and if we add it it means we have to deal with bugs resulting from people using it.

The beast that shouldn’t have been.