Turrets may attack without line-of-sight?


perhaps it has been like this always, but now I am somehow enraged, as that just cost me a very promising character, who had a really rough start but slowly took off.

Turrets are able to shoot you without having line-of-sight. When standing next to the door, and I can’t see them they will still shoot me. I can understand if they are able to that when I peek in, but just standing next to the door and trying to close it only to get insta-gibbed is no fun.
For other enemies with less damage it could be fine, I guess, but with turrets that already have a really high damage output to compensate their immobility, it’s just ridiculous.
I am talking about the turrets in the labs, btw.

[quote=“Snaaty, post:1, topic:7307”]Hello,

perhaps it has been like this always, but now I am somehow enraged, as that just cost me a very promising character, who had a really rough start but slowly took off.

Turrets are able to shoot you without having line-of-sight. When standing next to the door, and I can’t see them they will still shoot me. I can understand if they are able to that when I peek in, but just standing next to the door and trying to close it only to get insta-gibbed is no fun.
For other enemies with less damage it could be fine, I guess, but with turrets that already have a really high damage output to compensate their immobility, it’s just ridiculous.
I am talking about the turrets in the labs, btw.[/quote]


I realize you’re enraged. However, this is a recurring issue with line-of-sight calculations, and the short answer is that it’s an engine limitation. Were the positions reversed, you’d be able to see and shoot the turret and it wouldn’t be able to shoot back.

So the best advice I have is to either rewrite sight-code (and I suspect that’s not happening unless you do it yourself) or be more careful when entering rooms in labs. Sorry.

Yeah, it’s not that bad. Just in that moment I indeed was quite enraged.

Rewriting something about the vision code might not be too bad, though.
I would really appreciate it, if the game could somehow tell me, if a monster spotted me, and not only when I see a monster.
But that’s probably a seperate issue.

well i don’t believe that the game should tell you when a monster spotted you, unless your char knows that it is so…
…which should be handled by the char’s senses only…

Turrets tell you when they spot you, they do the beep beep beep thing. Anyway, I always roll with safe mode on in labs.

Nah, that doesnt help with this bug, basically the turrets will occasionally see you before you can see them and burst you down, its not a common bug, but it happens.

I generally copy pasta my save file before I go into labs or after a military base, I dont feel bad savescumming if I go down to a bug.

I generally copy pasta my save file

The longer I look at this sentence, the hungrier I get.