Turrets: Can't hide behind corners?

Those things are deadly now. And, unfortunately, can shoot player who is just around the corner (or standing near doorway. Like this

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Turret cannot be seen but can and will fire. And even more - once i opened the door just to find myself sprayed with smg fire same turn. Probably spend all the ticks after “beep-beep” to finish “open” action. Now coupled with turret’s ability to one-shot limbs, that gives some really good reasons to stay outta labs.

Also, there is a slight issue with two-handed firearm being left equipped when character gets arm severed.

Yeah, right now the support for actual penalties when suffering from the loss of a limb is still a little under supported.

As for turrets being able to shoot when they can’t see you, that sounds like a bit of a problem to me (either with the sight stuff or with the targeting stuff not using the same lines).

Casually dropping a link to the turret issue in github: https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/issues/5668

I think that is because it does not fire in a straight line, it fires like the X, while it should fire like the V

I think that is because it does not fire in a straight line, it fires like the X, while it should fire like the V


All gunfire works like that, so–were the positions reversed–you could blast the turret safely. Known issue and as I’ve marked on the Git tracker, a long-term enhancement request, NOT a bug.

There’s a hack that ensures that if you can see something, you can always hit it.
That hack might also have the result of sometimes allowing you to hit things you can’t see.
When the player is targeting something, it has an extra check that you can see the target,
What it does is try the normal trajectory, like the second one in qurvax`s image. If that fails, it tries again with an alternate trajectory (there are always two options, though sometimes both have the same outcome, e.g. with a straight line).

The thing is, from a roguelike point of view, both trajectories are valid

@Kevin: Then turrets need that extra check too.

I think (layman opinion) that doing double check, one to target and one from target should help to ensure that either both see each other or they don’t see each other.

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:6, topic:6982”]There’s a hack that ensures that if you can see something, you can always hit it.
That hack might also have the result of sometimes allowing you to hit things you can’t see.
When the player is targeting something, it has an extra check that you can see the target,
What it does is try the normal trajectory, like the second one in qurvax`s image. If that fails, it tries again with an alternate trajectory (there are always two options, though sometimes both have the same outcome, e.g. with a straight line).

The thing is, from a roguelike point of view, both trajectories are valid[/quote]

The problem is not with the player targeting the turret but with the turrets shooting the player.