
Hack into Military Bunker
Activate EMP grenade
Throw EMP grenade
Collect drops
Obtain inactive turrets.

Probably should remove inactive turrets from turret drops.

Turret are quite bad actually, either you don’t need them to kill stuff, either when you would need them they suck too much to be usefull (die in 1/2 hit from a bear, can be killed by a rat …).

I don’t see the problem. And it’s random, you don’t find them each time, and it’s also not hard to make.

[quote=“Oragepoilu, post:2, topic:4593”]Turret are quite bad actually, either you don’t need them to kill stuff, either when you would need them they suck too much to be usefull (die in 1/2 hit from a bear, can be killed by a rat …).

I don’t see the problem. And it’s random, you don’t find them each time, and it’s also not hard to make.[/quote]

EMPs don’t necessarily mean insta death for electronics, otherwise bionics would be nerfed to shit. It is military hardware, maybe it had some copper plating on important bits so it could be salvaged after an EMP attack on the govt.