Robots, turrets and stuff

Hi! I’ve run into a problem. The game wiki says that robots hit by EMP shut down or turn friendly. But all the robots i’ve hit by EMP, either by grenades or Bionics, do not shut down at all. They lose some health, may turn friendly, but mostly just blow up and leave no spare parts or ammo, which I’m trying to get from them. Only manhacks and eyebots collapse but I can’t salvage anything interesting from them. No plutonium cells, no grenades, no ammo. Is this supposed to be this way or am I doing something wrong?

The game wiki says that robots hit by EMP shut down or turn friendly.

Very rarely they will shut down, but yeah, mostly they just blow up. Successfully shutting down a turret can provide some pretty huge pay-outs in terms of ammo, batteries and of course the actual deactivated turret. So I believe most turrets just blow-up so the player still generally has to do some work for all this great loot.

Only manhacks and eyebots collapse but I can’t salvage anything interesting from them. No plutonium cells, no grenades, no ammo. Is this supposed to be this way or am I doing something wrong?

Have you tried scrambler grenades or the control laptop? I’d throw in a spoiler here but I actually just built my first control laptop and have not tried it out yet, soon though.

I haven’t, because I don’t have recipes for them yet. Somehow. I will, anyway, once I get the books.

Not gonna lie, the control laptop is amazing. Especially if you have the Time Dilation bionic. You can just waltz into a room full of bots and hack them all.

I do have the TD. Have to use it to put some slugs into those garbage bins before they can react.

Time Dilation is great if you don’t have a lot of power, but when you start getting into 5 digits it suddenly becomes SHIT I USED TIME DILATION.

Also apparently it’s not actually dilating time, just juicing up your reaction speeds so much that it appears time has stopped for you. I thought the Bionic physically made you move faster, ala Time Stop from D&D 3.5.

Anyway, only a few robots can be hit with an EMP and not explode. According to Kevin, it’s a safety feature so they don’t fall into enemy hands. Robots that don’t explode include Tank Drones, Manhacks, and Police/Riot Control Bots.


But I wanted to get some ammo! I don’t need those tin cans, I can shoot myself! Well, not myself, but… uhhhhhhhhhhh… you get it.

I mean, seriously, those turrets drop RAMs after death. How come small fragile RAMs survive, but ammo doesn’t?

Because the explosion causes the ammo itself to explode, or “Cook Off”, I believe the term is.


Seconding the control laptop. Turrets never explode with it and you can pull the entirety of their ammo out. I have a ton of 5.56, 9mm, and even a decent chunk of .50 just from turrets.

It’s worth noting though that hacked turrets will shoot each other, so if you’re after the ammo/turret itself it’s best to either use time dilation or destroy all but one of the turrets in line of sight of each other. Easier said than done in military bunkers.