Turret woes

Turrets not attacking zombies I kinda get but this is just silly.

Y u only hate me, turrets?

Dude, animateriel turrets are scary. I’ve only seen one with Marloss Man Reborn, and I’ve seen 6 tank drones. But they make amazing allies.

AI isn’t prepped for NPCs. (Remember, we default them to Off.) Thanks for reporting, though.

Does it mean that all attacks from monattack.cpp only target player?
Also, similar problem: monsters prefer to attack player if possible, possibly because player as a target condition is calculated first?

[quote=“Mshock, post:4, topic:7712”]Does it mean that all attacks from monattack.cpp only target player?
Also, similar problem: monsters prefer to attack player if possible, possibly because player as a target condition is calculated first?[/quote]
Many of them, yeah. We’re working on converting variables over to target whatever their target is (instead of being hardcoded to the player) but it’s still got a fair ways to go.

now i know why npc is never paralyzed by shocker…