Turrents at melee range

This is either a feature or a bug, but if you try to close to melee range with a turret it is an instadeath. I got attacked 9 times over 3 turns with no opportunity to do anything or to attack. Each hit does ~30 damage too. I know range affects accuracy with turrets, but it seems a bit overpowered.

Use law’s, explosives, guns or anything ranged to take them out. EMP grenades destroy them as well from when I last used them. I am pretty sure it’s not a bug since they fire in bursts and no single shots. So of course you’re going to get ripped apart without good protection against a turret :slight_smile:

Seriously? Why would you EVER try to melee a turret irl and ingame too.

Funny Note: One time in Version 0.7 I managed to survive a turret in melee range with half a bar left on my torso. With pure adrenaline I hacked the turret using my machete killing it in one glorious explosion. I instantly died…

Aside from being constantly told that Noise is Bad So No Guns, Noway, Nohow?

That’s actually how I lost one of mine in the early going. No worries.

Oh god… System Shock 2 flashbacks

Oh god… System Shock 2 flashbacks[/quote]

Deactivate security, the turret never activates, of course you either melee or hack it.

Gotcha. So this is a feature. I just thought it was a pretty hard counter to melee builds. 100+ HP damage per turn seemed excessive. I played an archer before this and was ripping up turrets so easily I never thought they were this tough.

It was a dumb idea, but honestly, the turret was almost dead, I was out of ammo, I had decent armor, and I had quick, fleet footed, and martial arts. I also had an angle where it didn’t have a shot on me until I was right next to it. I thought I could kill it… of course, I forgot they explode when they die, so I guess I was doomed even if I had killed it.

[quote=“phaethon, post:8, topic:3137”]Gotcha. So this is a feature. I just thought it was a pretty hard counter to melee builds. 100+ HP damage per turn seemed excessive. I played an archer before this and was ripping up turrets so easily I never thought they were this tough.

It was a dumb idea, but honestly, the turret was almost dead, I was out of ammo, I had decent armor, and I had quick, fleet footed, and martial arts. I also had an angle where it didn’t have a shot on me until I was right next to it. I thought I could kill it… of course, I forgot they explode when they die, so I guess I was doomed even if I had killed it.[/quote]

FWIW I’ve survived taking a Tankbot with a machete. It’s not something I’d recommend you do routinely, but it can work.

In general, though, best to throw rocks or shoot turrets.

Now, if turrets could run out of ammo, then maybe you’d may be able to outlast them at extreme ranges before closing in. Until then…