Too many angry animals

I attempted to do wilderness playthrough, but I was attacked by 12 coyotes 5 dogs and a moose on the first day. It was so much combat that I got annoyed and made a new guy with animal empathy. It isn’t even noon yet and I have been attacked by 10 dogs and a wolf (edit: and a bear). Is there any way to make this playable?

A fair few animals can be scared away by yelling which can be done via the talk hotkey. On another not break one of the saplings to get a stick and use it as a weapon. Also if you hit the " key you can sprint which is very useful for running away from stuff. Also you can forage for rags or string which can fairly quickly be used to make a stone spear which is a fairly formidable weapon early on with a reach attack.

Stay away from them and they are less likely to get angry. Lose them by having them fight zombies instead of you.

It’s not that I can’t kill them, it’s that the constant nuisance makes even the most simple tasks a pain in the ass.

I don’t go out to find them, I just go to craft a digging stick and 5 come out of the woodwork to harass me. Also since I am in the wilderness, there are no zombies. I have to say, animal empathy seems to be useless.

Keep the safemode on.
If necessary, blacklist troublesome animals so you noticee them before they are on top of you
Keep an eye on your compass notifier too.

Also I suspect you are assuming that the normal window is view radius. This is not so, as using (Z & z) will show you the actual vision radius is to far to be able to reliably see most things.

Use the (V) key to look at entities your char can see, even if outside the zoomed view (tab to switch between items and entities)
Or you can use the (:wink: key to look at things, including those outside the current screen.

If the creature is showing tracking then it is time to start © yelling at them like Gary Busey with tourettes. Animal Empathy makes it >less likely< an animal will attack you. This isn’t especially helpful against naturally hostile animals that want to eat you/ have some motivation besides not liking your face and the way you walk. Such as wolves/dogs that want to eat you. And the stupid territorial moose that will defend its territory against offensive minivans.

Think of Animal empathy like it gives you more buffer space before aggression will take place, not a “animals believe me Cinderella and will do my laundry while a whistle in their ears and pet them.”

Somehow a yelling man BEFORE they become aggressive is usually enough to frighten them off though. I think After they become aggressive will work too, except it usually takes longer to scare them off, then it takes for them to shred your face off.

IMOO whoever put coyotes in this game has probably never seen one in their life… They are not hostile to humans and are always generally afraid of humans and avoid them.
Having a character die from coyote attack is just ridiculous, they should be skittish like the fox is in the game not super aggressive like a moose…

zombies and blob have seriously messed up the ecology. They’re REALLY hungry Maybe blob messed with their aggressiveness too.

Well bears and moose arent generally aggressive either yet they will FUCK YOU UP in cata

Both are known to be aggressive at times. For moose, it’s mostly during “the rut”, but it can happen other times, and yes, they can be very dangerous. I do agree that it’s too much in CDDA, though.

For bears, it’s whenever they have young around, and then… some other times. Also, they are famous for getting unreasonable and aggressive if they are angered/hurt - with all the other aggressive things going around ticking them off, it doesn’t seem too unreasonable to me.

But lone coyotes attacking people? Yeah, that’s just silly.

LONE coyotes? yeah, thats silly.

Still blob and hunger.

I think its funny how cute they are.

Raccoons attacking me makes me laugh.

RE: small animal attacks.

Get a sling. 3 long strings or 20 thread and 1 less valuable piece of leather.

then take some rocks and knap them into pebble via crafting. Slings will even put down krecks or grecken easily enough. Though dont go after moose of mi-go with them …

fires will scare away all mammals and insects, and loud noises will work on mammals as well.

[quote=“Treah, post:6, topic:14324”]IMOO whoever put coyotes in this game has probably never seen one in their life… They are not hostile to humans and are always generally afraid of humans and avoid them.
Having a character die from coyote attack is just ridiculous, they should be skittish like the fox is in the game not super aggressive like a moose…[/quote]

You must not live in an area where they’ve acclimated to humans. They used to come into my backyard, they used to go right up the street, they used to take pets out of people’s fenced yards…and that was a few years ago. In Highlands Ranch and near Cherry Creek reservoir it’s even worse, they’ve actually started becoming threatening and have attacked dogs on leashes.

They’re only afraid of people when people are a threat to them. We stop shooting them, they stop fearing us. The ones near where I bought my house out in a rural area are a hell of a lot more skittish.

Want a way to stop angry animals for good? Kill them. A spear and some kiting should serve you well.

knife spear for the early win.