Tolled by the town gen

north of that? wasp nest…

east of that? another spider nest

west of that? swamp.


Why are spider nests bad?

Unless you get up right and cuddly with them, they pose no harm whatsoever.

crushing victory…

the only thing I have done is give myself all martial arts styles (obviously from the ones I’ve used in the screens)

I play with 10 pts, lots of defects, robust genes and fast healer. also grabbed smoker.

spiders nests aren’t normally bad, but when there are +dozen black widow’s…that’s interesting.

Now burn it as an effigy to you’re glory.

So, what… you’re proud of killing some spiders? Ones that were divided equally in rooms? With cheated-in martial arts and extra perk points?

At the very least, I’m not very impressed. I’ve taken on hordes of zombies with a knife and way fewer stats.


Here’s my challenge for you. Take some time making molotovs, and take on a fungal spire before Day 10.

what i’ve done with past characters and what I just did are two different things. I’ve never made a SUCCESSFUL unarmed character. and 2 extra points are hardly “extra”. and the bulk were all fought in the road, not in windows. the zombies I either ambushed in doorways or in windows, but the spiders were dealt with in single/double combat.

this is no small feat for a t-shirt wearing, no armor character.

so i deem this one of my more accomplished achievements.

and the house is burning as we speak

Then again, Krav Maga wasn’t designed to defend yourself against dog-sized evil spiders from hell, so I guess I can let it slide. :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: Aw, damnit you killed them all. now I need to open paint up again. lol.
As promised:

[quote=“Iosyn, post:7, topic:972”]Wuss.
Then again, Krav Maga wasn’t designed to defend yourself against dog-sized evil spiders from hell, so I guess I can let it slide. :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: Aw, damnit you killed them all. now I need to open paint up again. lol[/quote]

:stuck_out_tongue: I was going to go down fighting. fun fact: I was never hit by a spider. only the zombies that crept up and a zombie dog did any damage. woot!

now i’m going to look for a brute and Hulk, test my mettle for real! or a few bears, whichever I find first

Yeah man, those zombie dogs are fast as hell. Lucky you didn’t get poisoned, Widow venom really murders your STR score.

that’s what I thought would happen…bunch of key dodges though. discovered smokers + other zombies = pain train. survived, but only barely. I’m fairly reckless for the first time in my cata career.

Yeah, luckily smokers can’t seem to see through their own smoke, but if you let them get close you can start choking pretty bad. Smokers pretty much invalidate the one-tile window thing too unless you have a dust or filter mask.

  1. Equip a gas mask.
  2. Melee smokers all day.
  3. ???
  4. Profit!

Yeah, gas masks help a lot but 6 Encumberance is a bit ridiculous. Mouth encumberance affects running speed, after all.

Actually its 7. And Id rather wear a filter mask. 7 enviroment protection is a lot.

No it doesn’t.

No it doesn’t.[/quote]

But… it does? Go in-game, it says that mouth encumbrance affects running speed.

Smoke does not spread very far and disperses quickly outside. Therefore, dispatch other Z first. Then you can take out your dull spoon and carve smokers at your leisure. Once done and out of smoke, you can take off the gas mask and smell the sweet aroma of victory.