Thought: Mobile version of Cataclysm

If you have an idea on how that would work go ahead. Probably not gonna happen, but we can dream. Would also make this game much more popular.

Eh, it wouldn’t really make it much more popular. Go ahead and try to find a roguelike on your phone. There are some good ones if you’re willing to wade through all the crap, and even then, there’s very few in the first place. The best I’ve found is “Pixel Dungeon”, which I recommend.

Honestly, I just started this to gauge the community. If any survival game were to become a mobile app id expect NeoScavenger to do so before this.

There’s actually a thread about this over in the lab forum, though how active it is and what it requires to get set up on your android I don’t know.

There’es already roguelike games which have become apps on mobile devices and they haven’t become anymore popular. The only ones who play them are those who played them before they were mobile apps.

can you provide a few examples.

NetHack is one such game.

I thought ADOM had a Mobile version too