The Great Comestible expansion

Haha, wow. I am reminded of how humanity is a silly lot. Heh. Hallucinogenic poop drugs.

Some folks and I were talking online how vaseline has a bunch of uses, like keeping your hands from getting chapped etc. I use it in the winter time to keep the wind from wind-chill burning (freezing) my cheeks. Pretty handy. Probably useful in other recipes or maintenance of things like vehicle wheels or bike chains (reduces noise a little??)

Not sure how it’d prove useful in game. Seems like it has potential.



I actually just added a Jenkem inspired drug into my game, Sewagas:

-Heal: -14
-Stim: 22
-Effect: Hallucinogen
-Enjoyability: 28
-Charges: 25
“Sewer Gas inhaler. A mild stimulant, but powerful hallucinogen with small chances to get addictive.”

Skills Used:
-Cooking Lvl 7

Skills Needed:
-Survival Lvl 1

-Chemistry Set
-Nearby Fire OR Toolset x1 OR Hotplate x10

Components Required:
-Sewage Sample x1
-Ammonia x1
-Inhaler x200

Shouldn’t Enjoyability: 28, be Enjoyability: -28 instead?

Well, I haven’t seen a drug with negative enjoyability. The Stim in it does give too much of a bonus, though. So I could make this drug just a recreative one with positive enjoyability and hallucinogen effect afterwards but no Stim bonus in it.

I think Rivet was implying it smells like shit (oh wait), and thus would not be so enjoyable. I’d almost say keep the stim bonus but drop the enjoys down a lot. Or maybe it’s awful at first and adds enjoyement after time. That’d be neat haha.

Last to this party, but has anyone suggested Fruitcake yet?

For a bonus it could be used as a decent melee weapon and in construction projects (walls, fences, etc)!

On the topic of drugs: bananadine.

Re: bananadine: wanna buy some raisins?

HAHAHA fruitcake that nobody wants to eat. Aww. The stuff my mum makes is actually pretty good, but that’s because the cake part is full of rum and the fruit part is… also full of rum. There’s more fruit too. The storebought stuff though? Deeeefinitely bricks fit for housing, not eating. AGREE.

[quote=“Pthalocy, post:67, topic:2647”]Re: bananadine: wanna buy some raisins?

HAHAHA fruitcake that nobody wants to eat. Aww. The stuff my mum makes is actually pretty good, but that’s because the cake part is full of rum and the fruit part is… also full of rum. There’s more fruit too. The storebought stuff though? Deeeefinitely bricks fit for housing, not eating. AGREE.[/quote]
When I had to take cooking classes, the fruit cake I made… Well… Lets just say that if I was in the middle ages, you wouldn’t need straw and mud to build houses.

That was Dwarf Bread you made.

How about fruit syrup? The ones you mix up with water, like 5% syrup, 95% water, and you get juice. Takes no skills to craft, but drinking it gives you a nice morale boost.

Mmmm, ribena. Lots of vitamin C in those too. Might be one of few drinks that doesn’t go bad and gives a tiny health boost. Hmm.

Civilian MREs?
More breads?


PROS: Never goes bad.

CONS: Never goes bad.

[quote=“dotASC, post:73, topic:2647”]Twinkies.

PROS: Never goes bad.

CONS: Never goes bad.[/quote]

I worked for several years in a gas station that carries Twinkies. They go bad after about two weeks. Their shelf life is actually shorter than just about any other snack food on the shelf.

Two weeks? They lied to us!

Urban legends tend to do that.

True that. Then you find one that is true…