Thanks for all the new features!

The new features, the new monsters, the new cyborgs NPC and how to obtain them.
Thank for everything.
(He Run away with tears in is eyes)


You’re very welcome.

Yep. Helicopters are cool, I’m looking at building me one (and crashing in it horribly :slight_smile: )
Oh, and autotravel. Definitely autotravel.
But what I’m really waiting for is to be able to

I’m sure it will be done sooner or later. I mean, the only real problem is to bake up an algo for setting up central basecamp tile in any and each building type and variation of currently existing, and also make sure it will work with future buildings. Piece of cake, right?

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Well if we’re talking about camps in existing buildings, the mall be a wicked place to set shop. Walls all around. Near unbreakable glass, open roof sections for crops. Yeah it be a good place.

And the cyborgs? The nurse? These are awesome!

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