Superglue needs charges i believe

Well, superglueis just one of those things that you really don’t need to use the whole container on singular tasks… so i think like a plastic tube of superglue would be really super… and have it have 10 glues in it

Makes sense, but I’m not sure if changing item from “uncharged” to “charged” won’t break saves.

or make crafting it make more of them?

I’ve always found it weird that you can dissasemble certain items and get the superglue back

A long time ago, in a far away universe called “Early C:DDA Build” …

There weren’t as many crafts and recipes, though some items were particularly usable. We needed glue to scrap together pretty much everything. As time went by, new recipes introduced the ‘substitute’ ingredient system yet some older recipes remained. Superglue is a sort of universal “industrial-strength adhesive” that still can be replicated utilizing various DIY means.

I guess it stuck with us from the early builds. :stuck_out_tongue: