Starting Scenarios, C++, Professions, and forum ediquette questions/help

  1. I remember someone else doing a single thread for multiple ideas and Kevin asking them to use one idea per thread.

  2. & 4. Guide to adding new content to CDDA for first time modders has alot of helpful information on how to get started with implementing some of your ideas, as well as looking at some of the other mods that do what you intend. looking at what this person did should give you an idea how to deal with scenarios, (I don’t know if a scenario can spawn you with a vehicle, or a working one at least yet, IIRC someone tried to do something like this before and couldn’t get it to work.)

  3. looking over the documentation is a great start because alot of it is really well done, and most of the updated code is much easier to read as well and actually have descriptive comments :slight_smile: also the devs usually hang out in the discord as well and I’m pretty sure they don’t mind answering questions,