So, how does the new archery work?

Interesting! Well thanks for checking it out, and yeah I have STR 8 at the moment. Thanks man!

I’m glad to hear all of that! Will we be able to make knapped arrowheads? I ask because you can make them in RL out of pieces of glass - like the shards that are everywhere from broken windows.

I look forward to your work and you have my thanks for all the effort you put in.

  • Shane

I’ve got no plans for glass arrowheads as it stands. The game doesn’t differentiate between different types of glass, and i can only assume you need partivular types for arrowheads.

That said, there’s already recipes for stone, ceramic, and bone makeshift arrowheads. You should have absolutely no troubles making arrows.

Cool if you don’t, but any glass will do. Beer bottles, window glass… really any glass that isn’t super thin can be used. Winds up close in performance to flint.

Ceramic, OTOH, you need the right kind of. :wink: One thing to note is these arrowheads break (all the stone/ceramic/glass ones). They are fragile. It’s why compound arrows were used with them - that and you can swap the sharp for a blunt anytime you wanted.

Compound arrows are probably beyond the scope of what you’re doing, though.

  • Shane

I have used tin-cans to make fairly reliable arrowheads. They aren’t much better than knapped glass, but they are hella easy to make and one can yields about four heads, so they make great DIY heads.

Not sure what you mean by compound arrow.

I’ve had the “glass arrowhead” suggestion about 4 times in as many days now so I guess I’ll stick glass in as a possibility for the makeshift arrow if it bothers people that much. I don’t think it will help anyone though.

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the only way it would help if it has the AOE effect of throwing a glass shard, or bleed.

First off… don’t let my comment bother you. If I can’t use glass that’s fine by me. It’s one of those if you can, cool, if not there are other options and it being cdda, lots of other options! :wink:

As to compound arrow. Basically you have a shaft with a socket in it and then a variety of heads each with a small shaft that fits in the socket of the shaft. The reason being twofold. First, the arrowhead tends to break, but the fletching and shaft tend to remain OK and this means that you can just make a new arrowhead and socket it. Second you can carry more than one kind of head and swap them on the fly. The classic being a sharp stone head and heavy wood blunts. So if you’re hunting a grouse and a deer shows up you just keep the arrow knocked and swap the head.

Look up “Ishi Arrows” They are fascinating, but as I said probably out of scope for this game.

  • Shane
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While swappable heads are pretty much the norm for modern arrows, looking at some pictures of Ishi arrows they seem to have the head bound with string. Do you have anything that suggests how they swapped them in the field?

It’s mainly from the accounts by Saxon Pope. If you’re interested look up “Yahi Archer” by Saxon Pope on Open Library and you can read a pdf.

Otzi the iceman - the 5000 yr old mummy found in the alps - also had compound arrows. Actually, he had both kinds, several unfinished arrows and an unfinished longbow. And an arrow in the back. :face_with_head_bandage:

  • Shane
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why not one piece arrows?, like kind of molding the material, like an arrow made from rock but carved in shape, same with glass and metal, not just the tip

Arrow shafts have to flex a lot to fly properly. An arrow made entirely of glass or steel would shatter, damage the bow, be too heavy to fly, etc.

I’ll look into that. We used to have a system where arrows were put together piece by piece and you could easily switch heads, but it was clunky and people hated it. I’d have to come up with a decent way of handling it if we wanted interchangeable heads.


Well, “clunky and people hated it” are good reasons not to go back to it… :grinning: It is kind of a specialist thing and there are lots of other things on people’s plates - like the aforementioned work on bows.

I may have wandered into the trap of thinking it’s cool because “I” think it’s cool. Anyway, I found it a fascinating read but then again I’m a nerd. (nerds are still cool, right?)

  • Shane

Some necroing, but what’s the status?

the same, it hasnt been updated at all, and as far as a i can tell of what the author had planned, it isnt complete per se

If the rework was left incomplete and there are no apparent plans to complete it, could the changes be reverted so at least we’re back to something that worked?


Tl;dr some research indicates that bows are incredibly efficient at dealing damage per unit of energy compared to guns, so if you have a good bow and a good arrow, the damage per shot is on par with many guns, so this 8s actually quite a large buff to archery damage output.


Can’t wait for my compound greatbow to out-damage .50 cal anti-material rifles. Pog

I’m ok with increasing the damage of self-crafted bows (up to longbow) a bit. But higher tier bows absolutely should NOT under any circumstances consistently out-damage a decent melee weapon used by the same character with similar skill level

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I’ve been playing with the apparently broken archery damage for so long I’ve forgotten how it used to be :slight_smile: It will be great to be doing some serious damage again.

My major complaint was not the damage, it was the Dispersion. 1000 Dispersion makes them pretty much melee weapons