Schools should have fallout shelters

Anyone remember all the schools built from the 50s to the 70’s having these? (at least in the US) I propose that schools should have them or at least a good chance to. Though they may be filled with old sports equipment, broken desks and other school type flotsam and jetsam. Maybe some 50 year old crackers and a Geiger counter, film badge and a civil defense radio.


Totally agree, schools should definitely have a chance of generating fallout shelters and weird basements.

My warehouse has a fallout shelter. (Yes, it was a school. And yes, I do have a warehouse)

My warehouse has a fallout shelter. (Yes, it was a school. And yes, I do have a warehouse)

I’m jealous!

He bought it especially for roleplay value

Boiler rooms.
Also I’m double jealous. What man doesn’t want his own fallout or LMOE shelter?

I like OP’s idea.

Weird basements full of wood and pencils and permanent markers?
Metal rooms full of beds and crackers?

What exactly does a “school fallout shelter” have?
I’m all for more adventure. I can’t wait to find out the answers.
[size=7pt]Please don’t let shoggoths spawn there.[/size]

[quote=“Cherry, post:9, topic:5192”]Weird basements full of wood and pencils and permanent markers?
Metal rooms full of beds and crackers?

What exactly does a “school fallout shelter” have?
I’m all for more adventure. I can’t wait to find out the answers.
[size=7pt]Please don’t let shoggoths spawn there.[/size][/quote]
My elementary school and high school both had shelters in them.

They were totally forbidden and behind locked doors so, of course, they were broken into all the time.

In terms of what they had in them: nothing of real value. One was being used for storage of cleaning agents and the other was just plain empty. Just a concrete room.

For the game, I would suggest the kinds of things one would find in any emergency shelter in the game. Maybe a few cots, maybe some blankets, some canned food, a few super mutant zombie children with their pet herd of mutated gerbils, you know… the usual.

If it’s not stocked with stuff it’s probably a blast shelter, not a fallout shelter.
Of course, they could have just emptied it for storage space back when the soviet union disintegrated.

Might wanna be careful, those places are probably full of asbestos.

And used condoms.

There was a Government built fallout shelter fairly near where I live for sale. Cheaper than you’d think but a little cramped and the lack of windows would probably drive your electricity bills through the roof. Regarding OP’s idea, I like it. Creepy/weird school basements would be cool too.