Scenarios where you start with a vehicle of some kind

Hoping to get some opinions on this:

There are tons of people already living in a van, or work-camping around the US in pickup/campers or RV’s. I feel like there should be a starting scenario option where you start with your ‘trusty steed/truck/van/ Motorcycle’ etc.

you would have the regular survivor gear, but would start next to a vehicle of some kind with no food, water or gas. your vehicle WOULD start with a single solar panel to trickle charge the battery for those long weeks spent boondocking on BLM land

“You made your living traveling the country doing oddjobs in your trusty _______. When the Cataclysm struck, you ran out of gas trying to get to your family in your hometown. The trickle charger kept your car battery topped off. Too bad you have no food or water though…”

starting skills would be;
2 survival
1 cooking
2 mechanics

+1 I would enjoy this. However I think having a vehicle to start with would result in this having a higher point value.

figured a 2 point cost.

Are you sure about the survival?
Things weren’t THAT bad before the Cataclysm for a nomad/gypsy/etc to resort on foraging on the wild.

I did mention the boondocking part. considering survival tops out at what, 20? I would think a level of 2 survival would be about the RL level of setting up rain catches and washing your clothes in the river and identifying poison ivy etc.

If ‘I’ were boondocking, I would PLAN to go as low tech as possible and eat what I catch. That’s part of the pleasure of being out in the bush.

[quote=“troll from behind, post:4, topic:9010”]Are you sure about the survival?
Things weren’t THAT bad before the Cataclysm for a nomad/gypsy/etc to resort on foraging on the wild.[/quote]

Got an uncle IRL who’s been planning to go into this sort of lifestyle. He’s probably got Fabrication 4-5 and Mechanics 6, at least–retired union mechanic–and likes to go hiking in the woods. I’d give him Survival 3-4 or so, but then his point cost would start getting a bit high.

The newchar code might be able to take a veh spawn argument, but would definitely need C++ to implement that. Would need to spawn on the roads too, but that shouldn’t be too tough.

(Skills are to top out at 10, not 20. Outdated system.)

kk about the skill topping, ty.

Mainly I just see this as, In RL, There will be some people surviving and or escaping in cars. therefore, why is everyone currently on foot when created?

*There could be a truck driver who starts with a notfunctioning truck & trailer due to a recent accident. he has random injuries from the crash and appropriate gear for a trucker.

*An ambulance driver who was responding to a house call when he was attacked by Z’s

*the pizza delivery guy could have a beat up little Bug that works, just not very well.

There’s all kind of realism potential here.

also, for the record, I do plan to take my van on the road and boondock / busk to get by in a few years once my elderly dogs finally pass. I would rate my survival at about 3 or 4 just from living out in the country and being self reliant. it’s not that difficult to have a level 2 in anything really as long as you have even a passing interest in the topic.

[quote=“CosmicKobal, post:7, topic:9010”]kk about the skill topping, ty.

Mainly I just see this as, In RL, There will be some people surviving and or escaping in cars. therefore, why is everyone currently on foot when created?

*There could be a truck driver who starts with a notfunctioning truck & trailer due to a recent accident. he has random injuries from the crash and appropriate gear for a trucker.

*An ambulance driver who was responding to a house call when he was attacked by Z’s

*the pizza delivery guy could have a beat up little Bug that works, just not very well.

There’s all kind of realism potential here.

also, for the record, I do plan to take my van on the road and boondock / busk to get by in a few years once my elderly dogs finally pass. I would rate my survival at about 3 or 4 just from living out in the country and being self reliant. it’s not that difficult to have a level 2 in anything really as long as you have even a passing interest in the topic.[/quote]

Yeah, beginner/hobbyist skill is 2-3. I’d imagine most of the professions should add a point or two to their skills if we’re looking for a more accurate representation, but then that’d increase costs across the board.

I’ve always liked the idea of a taxi driver profession that starts with a little bit of driving skill and knowledge of surrounding roads and some important landmarks, like you’d get from reading a map.

Well it’s a bit hacky but… You can make any vehicle that’s already defined by using the “unfold_vehicle” tag. Obviously, it won’t fold back up unless it’s made of foldable parts.

, { "id": "vehicletoken_vehicleid", "type": "TOOL", "symbol": "0", "color": "light_gray", "name": "vehiclenamehere claim token", "description": "This is a vehicle claim token. A reality-warping way to claim your scenario vehicle. Be sure you're standing where you want it because there's no refolding it.", "price": 35000, "material": "aluminum", "weight": 0, "volume": 0, "bashing": 0, "cutting": 0, "to_hit": -5, "max_charges": 0, "initial_charges": 0, "charges_per_use": 0, "turns_per_charge": 0, "ammo": "NULL", "revert_to": "null", "use_action": { "type": "unfold_vehicle", "vehicle_name": "vehicleidhere", "unfold_msg": "You painstakingly unfold the vehicle and make it ready to ride.", "moves": 500 } }

I would love to be a truck driver.

The idea is pretty good, and the costs should be higher than the ones for the backpack/other storage items at start.

And I like the cab driver idea. maybe instead of already knowing local areas(which might be hard on the coding? i have no idea), it would likely be simpler just to have various maps in your starting inventory

and the starting gear for a truck driver might include a tool box, a cell phone, a flash light, a backpack or a tire thumper(aluminum bat). the extra items cost is offset by the starting injuries and the lack of a WORKING truck.

A cab drivers skills could be 2 or 3 driving, and a truckers skills could be 3 or 4 driving, 2 unarmed.