1.) I wanted a square area to be square, not a rectangle.
2.) I was having a glitch using tiles that was causing some of my best survival attempts to end in horrible car crashes.
3.) I couldn’t bear using the default (rectangular) terminus.
4.) I didn’t want to use Topaz-8 (too small and messy).
That’s strange I was able to download it perfectly well last month. I still have the original file and have been enjoying it so far. There are some wonky bits of the display but it was easy to infer what the normal symbol was.
That's strange I was able to download it perfectly well last month. I still have the original file and have been enjoying it so far. There are some wonky bits of the display but it was easy to infer what the normal symbol was.
Could you reupload it, please. I want check it too. Looks nice by screenshots.
Sorry about that gents, the link should work now. Apparently the file has to be reuploaded every once and a while. I would have an updated cleaner version for you… but making fonts is way beyond me. If anyone is a skilled font maker I could use a tutorial or two… I have a 16x16 version as well… but I have not been able to duplicate my success in creating a font so until then we just have the old file to work with.
[center][size=12pt]Converting tilesets to font is easy![/size][/center]
Are you the same Rogue Yun from Dwarf Fortress? Converting the png to font is easy with this script I wrote. There is another version that is faster (can use multiple cores) and handles non-square fonts but it has some issues need to be resolved this is my first version and it works.
Monochrome tilesets are better dithering is planned as is support for grayscale. For now edit the image if you have one you like but is greyscale.
SETNAME=sm16x16 #Name of your tileset to be converted (leave off the png extension)
TILESET=~/Downloads/$SETNAME.png #Where tilset you want to convert lives
TILESIZE=“16x16” #Tile size of the tileset; 10x10, 12x12, 15x15, 16x16, 18x18,…
SCALEUP=“400%” #Changes how transparent pixels are converted to monochrome (dithering sorta…)
FINALRES=“800x800” #Final resolution should be ~80% font em size (approx 1000x1000) and a factor of tilesize
IMGOUTPUT=/tmp/Font/$SETNAME #/tmp is deleted on reboot if you want to keep the png/bmp change this dir
SVGOUTPUT=~/cataclysmddaFont/$SETNAME #svg output to be imported to FontForge
mkdir -p $IMGOUTPUT
mkdir -p $SVGOUTPUT
#ImageMagick and Potrace convert the image into a pixel svg
convert -crop $TILESIZE +repage $TILESET $IMGOUTPUT/tile%01d.png
mogrify -scale $SCALEUP tile*.png
mogrify -negate tile*.png
mogrify -monochrome tile*.png
mogrify -scale $FINALRES tile*.png
mogrify -format bmp tile*.png
potrace -s --flat $IMGOUTPUT/tile*.bmp
Loop to rename the tile placeholder names to the unicode string used in the FontForge svg template import
After the script has finished there are a few more manual steps (that I might automate in the future);
[ul][li]Open FontForge, open the font.ttf in DFs art directory. Ctrl+A and clear/delete the default glyphs we are using this as a template[/li]
[li]File/Import (Ctrl+Shift+I), Format: SVG template, find your svg tiles, select all of them and Import[/li]
[li]Elements/Font Info (Ctrl+Shift+F) change the PS Names to the Font name and Under General change the em size to the multiple for your tile size[/li]
[li]File/Generate Fonts…(Ctrl+Shift+G) select TrueType or the type of font you need and Generate it![/li]
[li]Google search how to add fonts for your system[/li]
[li]Enjoy the pixel-y fonts[/li][/ul]