Riot Foam and Acidic Gel

I have had a two weapons/tool ideas that are more for defensive/trap based, instead of offensive.

Riot Foam
Found at: Police Stations, Zombie Officers, Cop Cars, any sort of Military Personnel or location
Rarity: Common or Uncommon
Use: When use it creates a thick “foam” on the tiles that slows down movements for enemies, as more turns go by the foam costs more movement points, until it solidifies and crumbles. It is also very flammable. (I would think about 5-7 turns until the foam entity disappears.) (Could function the same as a spray-can flame thrower.)
Description: Developed by [insert security company here] in 2024. It was designed to be a less painful and less lethal way to subdue rioters, with a light blue foam that would envelope multiple rioters restricting them from any sort of movement. It became very popular among riot officers, and there have been “accidents” involving fire and the foam. It’s appearance looks to that of a paint sprayer, only it has a more “tactical” look to it and it’s canister of foam sits on top of the barrel.

Acidic Gel/Launcher
Location: Dead/Zombie Scientists, Labs, Military Bunkers and Outposts.
Gel Uses: You can coat surfaces with Acidic Gel, use it on walls/furniture to dissolve them quietly, but it takes a little bit to fully dissolve an item, but using the Gel without the proper gloves will damage your hands (arms). With the launcher you can fire from a distance to still dissolve things stated above, but you can also “coat” enemies with it as well.
Description: Acidic Gel (for civilian use) was still in heavy development a little bit before the Cataclysm hit. It was used in covert operations since it was able to dissolve thick-steel doors silently, and was also used as a means of torture by these covert squads. It is contained with in a thin cylinder canister.
Launcher Description: Designed to be used with Acidic Gels. It looks like a pistol, only difference, is a glowing line where the slide would be indicating how much Gel is left in the canister. When fired, a large spray of gel attaches to the targeted surface.

So what do you think of these two items? Would they work? Would they need to be balanced?

acid gel launcher makes me think of unreal tournament was that a possible inspiration? although idk what kinda fked up government give civilians acid that can burn through steel then give the riot squad friendlier riot suppression equipment. love the ideas though

When I said Civie use. I meant Law Enforcement and Rescue Teams, probably should’ve clarified that. Never played Unreal Tournament, the idea just came to me when playing because I thought it would be cool if we could destroy walls with out ringing the dinner bell for the zombies

Dunno about the acid launcher, as far as I remember, most devs don’t actually like tne current implementation of acid.

EDIT: Fixed ^ The, the for ya
I feel out of the loop, could you explain why they dislike the current state of acid?

Heh, I recalled incorrectly, they dislike acid rain, not the acid itself. Could be fair game then

everyone hates acid rain :smiley:

I like both ideas.

I like the idea of riot foam, not sure about it being flammable though. One would think the company/scientist behind the product would be more “careful”.

You know, theres this cool stuff, can’t remember the name but its like a spray on oil slick. Might be a good companion for this? spray an area (much like a spitter zombie coats an area) and things have the potential to fall down? i’d see this as SUPER useful

Edit: found it, called ‘Riot Slime’

also found a link for it detailing the material a bit more–>

The devs apparantly disliked the acid puddles that were created from the acid rain. (and those have been removed now, in the experimental build).

I was thinking you, “Know what would be horrible with this stuff. If it was flammable.”. Now that I think about it I think it would be a slow but OP weapon at that point. The reasoning behind making flammable could be found in station terminals and such. The basic reason behind flammability is to discourage rioters of throwing Molotovs at the Riot Officers, because if they did the ones trapped inside the foam would get burned.

If houses were such a great idea, then how come they are so easily flammable.

Can’t wait to rub some acid gel on those unbreakable computer consoles.

I agree with the acid launcher, would be nice to have more acid weapons. Any acid weapons, actually. That riot slime looks pretty awesome too.
Riot foam seems way too overpowered though. I know where you’re coming from, but a mobile flammable barrier in a can?

What’s more, what sane police force would utilize a flammable riot-suppression foam?
Think about it for a moment, it’s just plain irresponsible.

[ol][li]Riot is getting out of hand. Police chief on scene orders spraying of new foam X.[/li]
[li]Average dave drops his cigarette stub, lights another[/li]
[li]Fire everywhere, hundreds dead, street burned to the ground.[/li][/ol]

Maintain order doesn’t mean massacre. :stuck_out_tongue:
On another note, is anyone thinking about implementing home-made napalm? Gas + Thickener.

[quote=“Iosyn, post:14, topic:4924”]I agree with the acid launcher, would be nice to have more acid weapons. Any acid weapons, actually. That riot slime looks pretty awesome too.
Riot foam seems way too overpowered though. I know where you’re coming from, but a mobile flammable barrier in a can?

What’s more, what sane police force would utilize a flammable riot-suppression foam?
Think about it for a moment, it’s just plain irresponsible.

[ol][li]Riot is getting out of hand. Police chief on scene orders spraying of new foam X.[/li]
[li]Average dave drops his cigarette stub, lights another[/li]
[li]Fire everywhere, hundreds dead, street burned to the ground.[/li][/ol]

Maintain order doesn’t mean massacre. :stuck_out_tongue:
On another note, is anyone thinking about implementing home-made napalm? Gas + Thickener.[/quote]
Holy shit… I mean crap… yeah it’s now non-flammable.

Orange juice+ gasoline+ Styrofoam+ and some chemical I can’t remember = Homemade Napalm. I’ve used this to remove tree stumps that were in my yard and it’s pretty sticky.

This begs to be added in ASAP :smiley:

I would google that, but I dont feel like adding my phone to every possible watch list in existence

It works, trust me. There’s a version I’ve cooked up, my own personal batch, but that’s a secret.

Cues to swat team forcing its way into Lorkins residence