Regarding the removal of the reviving zombies option

Supposedly badly enough damaged corpses won’t raise again, and said damage will eventually accrue over time to prevent raising completely. I’m just not sure how well it’s been implemented (though I’m certain there is already at least a basic framework in place).

personally i would like an auto-butchering system, where you automatically crush the zombie’s head when you walk over it, this would be an amazing time saver. even just hitting (b)utcher(i always change the binding to a lower case b)without having to then hit (Y)es would be great.

I agree that it should be a per-monster flag, which makes it a little strange to remove it now when the per-monster flag hasn’t been implemented - it feels premature. By all means, replace it with a monster flag, but removing it now means that there’s no way at all to play without it.

I the next official release, we will be getting the brand new and fresh advanced world generator. This feature offers the ability to greatly customize the game in watever way we want, throwing all vanilla lore out of the window.

Why do you think World Factory is about providing ability to customise anything? According to what I read in Developer Diary and few answers I got around the forum it is only about saving and loading to multiple “save” folders. Similarly Mod Manager seem to be only about choosing and loading different JSON files.

It is nowhere mentioned World Factory or Mod Manager will bring any new game customisation options or make customisation itself any easier than is manually editing JSON files in a text editor as before. Both features are to manage files, to choose and load, but not to edit, which I say makes them pretty useless and unnecessary since the same thing can be achieved manually in a matter of seconds.

Will be moving the thing that triggers revival to a flag in the monster definition instead of it just being applied to all zombies, you can then feel free to redefine it out of your zombies, or add it to bees if that's what you really want.

Why? Beside redundancy what do you believe that will achieve?

You already have revival flag, in a way. Revival only makes sense for zombies, that 's what “zombie” means. So when you want to define a monster to have a potential for revival you simply define its type as “zombie”, it doesn’t need any other flag. And then if you want to make zombie type monsters revive or not you simply set only a single flag that applies to all zombie monsters instead of adding or deleting 50 individual flags.

That’s more elegant and easier to modify or make it an option. It’s how it is now, I think, so you shouldn’t really change anything, adding one more flag to each monster only brings redundancy and no any advantage.

There is also no reason to remove revive option from in-game menu any more than to remove “classic zombies” option and put it in some file to be changed manually in a text editor. Is there?

Chill out, you’ve done literally nothing on the forums except make nonsensical accusations and bad game design arguments, the forms aren’t here for you to rant at us about the game. Continuing in this vein will result in a ban.

Kevin, for all your reasons, just note that 2/3 of the forum prefer bringing back the option.

how about adding a skill for headshot or something like that on zombies? particularly regular zombies? either a new skill or as you get better they auto-butcher or something like that. however, on special zombies you are far more likely to need to butcher? so as skills go up you dont need to hit B as much?

Interesting math there.
2/3rds of the people who bothered to vote said yes.
That’s approximately 0.5% of the forum.
In other words, there are 32 people active on the forums that want the option added.

Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.

Chill out, you've done literally nothing on the forums except make nonsensical accusations and bad game design arguments, the forms aren't here for you to rant at us about the game. Continuing in this vein will result in a ban.

According to what logic you believe so? You are accusing me without putting any argument forward. I explained your decision is nonsensical with reason and logic, and if you will pay attention I can help you understand.

Ban me because I’m helping you to realize your mistakes? Chill out, dude.

Now, if you will answer the question…

Will be moving the thing that triggers revival to a flag in the monster definition instead of it just being applied to all zombies, you can then feel free to redefine it out of your zombies, or add it to bees if that's what you really want.

Why? Beside redundancy what do you believe that will achieve?

once the mod tool is in, its a pretty easy mod to add this to the options. enough said and a good reason to have the mod tool that is from the kickstarter.

kevin can keep it out of the options,then we can ‘vote’ by using a mod. which is why the mod tool is so important. no reason to argue. just mod it.

If this is your attitude discussion is pointless.

dude you are a fucking dipshit. maybe thats what the poll says but i doubt that its a very accurate or reliable figure to argue with. and, i would wager that more than 2/3 of the users on this forum dont really care what happens because theyre not nazis, and theyre going to play the game and support these guys no matter what. pull your head out of your ass and chill out. like, kevin could be trashing the game, and i would still be pissed at YOU because YOURE being a little bitch about it. its their game dude youre free to go make your own

[quote=“hardcore, post:50, topic:2974”]

Chill out, you’ve done literally nothing on the forums except make nonsensical accusations and bad game design arguments, the forms aren’t here for you to rant at us about the game. Continuing in this vein will result in a ban.

According to what logic you believe so? You are accusing me without putting any argument forward. I explained your decision is nonsensical with reason and logic, and if you will pay attention I can help you understand.

Ban me because I’m helping you to realize your mistakes? Chill out, dude.

Now, if you will answer the question…

Will be moving the thing that triggers revival to a flag in the monster definition instead of it just being applied to all zombies, you can then feel free to redefine it out of your zombies, or add it to bees if that's what you really want.

Why? Beside redundancy what do you believe that will achieve?[/quote]

the above goes doubly for you

[quote=“Gatleos, post:35, topic:2974”]I really don’t mind revival in general, it’s just the GRIND of butchering everything that bothers me. At the very least I’d like to have butchering optimized (do we really need a Y/N prompt for this?) and improve the visibility of corpses. The annoying part for me is not being able to see which corpses I haven’t butchered.

Ideally there should be a separate symbol for corpses, it’s just awkward giving them the same symbol as food. They should also be placed on top of the stack so you can see them over the other items. That way you could clearly see which corpses needed butchering and quickly move between them without having to double-check.[/quote]
now THIS guy has his priorities straight. hear, hear

Avoid personal attacks and raging at people. In addition to being against forum policy, they undermine your own arguments. It’s also considered poor taste to post multiple times in a row, and you should probably use the edit button instead.

I’d like to point out that some of us don’t mind the option being removed at all.

It’s just another part of the gameplay; perhaps mooshing dead zeds could be streamlined a bit, but I personally like the reviving zombies mechanic. Keeps us vigilant, and it makes casually wiping out giant hordes more difficult.

Also, coming to any place where people are working on a project and saying, ‘Even though I just got here I already know how to do everything y’all are doing, and I know how to do it better. Let me enlighten you as to how you suck, and insist that you do your project according to the way I want you to do it.’ is never going to win friends or influence people, other than to influence them to show you the door. The same goes for responding to such a statement with ad hominem nastiness: it just makes you look as bad as the person you’re attacking.

If you want to make Cataclysm better try this: register on Git, grab a copy of the program, and start adding contributions and PR’ing them instead of trying to impose your will on folks on the forums.

Making Cataclysm better is surprisingly easy once you figure out Git, and as long as what you contribute is useable and high enough quality for inclusion the top dogs are happy for the help.

Well said.

i always kept it on, no matter what the inconvenience. to me its just another gameplay mechanic, like having to eat or drink.

Lazy’s actually got a point on the second part:

In other words, there are 32 people active on the forums that want the option added.
it's an average, not any kind of absolute value. It means that on average that's the ratio you will get. Unless you are unreasonable enough to expect next 50 people will be much different on average) than first 50.[/quote]