I’m rather confused about the x and y coordinates in the json. I’m probably just being stupid, but I keep having issues with figuring out how exactly it works. More to the point: Where is the point of origin on those 24x24 grids you make in the json?
I’m using fire_station.json as a reference and certain items are obviously meant to spawn in certain places:
“item”: “fireman_gear”,
“x”: [ 20, 20 ],
“y”: [ 21, 21 ],
“chance”: 70
So there is a 70% chance that an item with the flag ‘fireman_gear’ will spawn at the coordinates for x: [20,20] y: [21,21], correct?
I understand that inside the [ ] each number defines a range of where something will be. So if it was [10, 20] then something could be between the coordinate 10 and the coordinate 20. Check.
Now I just need to make it so stuff will spawn inside of lockers, which means that I need make specify that with the ‘x’ and ‘y’ coordinates.
Secondly, there is this weird thing happening with one of the mechanical winches.
When I 'a’ctivate the winch to close the ‘garage’ doors (after opening them in the first place) it will spawn these three extra ones. When I activate it again to open the garage, they go away.
Does it have to do with the wall I added? It isn’t necessary but I’d like if I could keep it.