PSA: Nested Containers is now live in experimental

Given that you can have perpetual motion in Dwarf Fortress, a single dwarf carrying a wooden cage with a giant fire breathing dragon in it and shotgun-rollercoaster-trap-minecarts, I’m not sure how (more) crazy the cataclysm will turn if we would adapt that system…
On the other hand, the nested container is something that Dwarf Fortress already has and was adapted well.

Still, there are also a lot of similarities between them; cat-/chicken-splosions, cat/character dying of alcohol intoxication, ASCII graphics & tilesets, Zombies :grin:
(…and crashes… lots of crashes… :shushing_face: )

build 10638-OSX-tiles

Also DON’T use the advanced inventory manager with your own inventory. That is the most bugged part. If you do it is not a question of IF it will crash your game but WHEN.

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On the other hand, the nested container is something that Dwarf Fortress already has and was adapted well.

I have a poor carpenter in my fort who’s sole job is to make bins. Forever. You can never have enough bins.


Is it playable without item loss again?

since no one has coomented , im going to sure route and wait for the build to get to 1700. last i checked the latest was 1640 or something.

I’d say wait till this search returns “all clear” (well, except QoL topics), then update.


Funny. I was just recanting this old topic in another thread and yall made my ideas a mainline part of the game. Again. Interesting to see in game. Though ironic when I detailed the framework for this, people hated it. Guess folks secretly liked it afterall :wink:

iirc, people like the idea of being able to store things inside other things (i remember someone telling about a hand case being able to store things and then store said hand case in you bag) what i believe people didnt like was the hassle to organize and the mess it would be on the Advanced inventory UI along with all the bugs it could bring) in my opinion thats why no one dare to take on the task, until korgen did xD

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Very plausible. I’m eager to test the system out. Looks like from the screen shot that was posted. It could be useful to add optional columns and rows of each root container, with a tree flow downwards for each.

But I have no idea if that will bork it more lol

edit: Meant for large screens 20" plus, to view more than scrolling.

How is the bug situation?

I put the game on hyatus for irl reasons but i would like to try the new inventory system out

I just want my needle to to work again… :frowning:
There are some problems with reloading some things. My problem is mainly waiting needle to not send thread in to void… Checking the bugs list daily. :slight_smile:

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ok… I guess i’ll wait :frowning:

This is the exact sort of stuff I am looking forward to doing once this is working. Being able to box up some initial supplies for a multi-day looting run and just selecting to pick up the box, and then put the box in the seat of my car, excellent. Having a few pouches/cargo pants pockets filled with common tools and supplies as I loot around, great. Running back to the loot van to swap out my big scavengers cargo bag for a nice sling bag preloaded with some ammo and explosives for dealing with an intersection horde, perfect.

This just makes inventory management of a bunch of things a lot easier in the long term, since I can just toss them into a planned container, and just deal with grabbing that kit when I need it. no more manually picking out all my lockpicking supplies, getting into the building, only to realize “damnit, forgot the stethoscope”.

Yeah I think a system like
__ -pouch
____. item1
____. item2

Would be cool, being able to" open/close" them in the inventory in a hierachy

I would also like a “drag and drop” style inventory management screen, similar to the [+] screen for clothing. Preferably you could “drag” multiple items with drag/drop being different keys.

I’ve not dived in yet – does this system allow you to perform common actions with items if they’re in a storage / container – similar to how you can pry open doors/windows if you have a crowbar in a toolbelt?

It’s going to be a UX nightmare if you have to go fishing for your lighter all the time, etc. :slight_smile:

These things still work fine from what I’ve experienced.
The UI also improved quite a bit. But it’s still buggy. I now have a headlamp wirh 57 charges of none and I can turn it on indefinitely.
none appears to be a powerful resource.

is the issue of reloading items has been fixed?

Once after my game load,
I’ve found my Inventory has none’s to hold.
I threw them into a fire as I couldn’t be bothered,
and their number doubled.
So I’ve took them out and drove a car over the none,
then it was gone.

I didn’t intended to write this as a rhyme,
but after I saw how it fits I’ve took the time.

Looks like I’ve got a severe lack of sleep in the middle of the month,
lets… uh… do… uhm… uh…
Yeah, best I go to bed.

Side note; even if it rhymes, it still happend to me. But that was acutally before the 0.E update. I’ve never found out what happened.


I would say the issue of canned and pickled foods just spoiling is a problem and not being able to pick up items that stack or are already in a container at random do to getting a negative valeu. Nothing completely game breaking but defintely annoing.