The Lore
Using the cutting edge technology in neural stimulation prior to the Cataclysm, with this CBM you possess the uncanny ability to recall the location of any item you’ve ever seen, smelled, heard, touched, tasted, or otherwise sensed, no matter how faintly. Because no one fully understands how the human brain works, the designers themselves cannot provide an accurate explanation for some of the results. Originally the CBM was designed to jog the user’s memory universally. All that is known is that the neural stimulation proved to yield quite different results than initially expected, and astonishingly so. Users simply report “an irresistible draw, and an undeniable mental association to a previously visited, or a nearby location, when desiring something they have no access to at the moment.” This ability seemed to show only few limitations. Latest theories speculated that the human brain is subconsciously able to pick up and permanently store subtle fluctuations in the quantum fields on a massive scale and in unimaginably fine resolution, which would effectively mean that each human being is subconsciously near-omniscient, limited only by personal travel experiences, and a perfect data collector. Even when the target object is moved, some users reported they can still sense a faint “trail” long afterwards if they have a chance to focus. In addition to proximity requirement, there are other limitations as well, for example, recalling forgotten skills or literary knowledge does not occur. But you might track down the physical item from which you possibly studied the information. It also appears the human mind is not able to control the memory flood very well in case a commonly occurring object is recalled. So please don’t try to remember where you saw a “rock”… You’ll just make yourself disoriented and confused.
Anyway, this ability is potentially very useful for backtracking. You could recall the general area of a rare piece of equipment that you know to look for, equipment that your conscious mind and powers of observation might have missed. Or if you’re just hungry for some particular snack, you could search the deepest recesses of your mind to locate some potato chips as well. Activate the CBM, enter a search word, such as “gunsmith repair kit”, and a maximum of 5 hits (locations) will be marked on your map, chosen randomly if more than 5 hits are found. You’ll PROBABLY never lose your car keys again.
Ramblings of a demented madman
The inspiration to this came when I became frustrated for not finding a gunsmith repair kit after such a long time. I kept thinking that I might have walked by one, which would mean its location would be in the savegame files. I did have to look up the ID for it (large_repairkit), but other than that the process was pretty straightforward to me. I did happen to have the software for searching text strings within non-txt files. The overmap coordinates are there but you still have to manually search the vicinity in the game. I didn’t find a gunsmith repair kit, but it occurred to me look for some other stuff and I got some hits which I hunted down. And then I realized, “Why couldn’t this be a CBM or a mutation?” It turned out to be surprisingly fun because it was pretty much like self-imposed scavenger hunt, and I found the stuff I wanted in an unexpected place: “Oh that drawer there next to the bed? Yeah, probably just clothes.” Wrong. Going back I found out it actually contained a lot of guns, ammo and accessories. I sure as hell won’t be that dismissive about bedroom drawers again. I have faith that this CBM could teach lessons to other longtime players, too, depending how thorough they usually are, or they THINK they are. Of course we could for example limit the search area distance, too, if the ability itself seems overpowered.
Curiosity and uncertainty
Basically the tech behind this CBM would rely on performing a text search inside the savegame files, using savegame data as the database, and return the coordinates to the overmap. Is this dodgy? Or doable? Or… sensible? I wouldn’t want to thrash anyone’s hard drive or cause an inconvenient 5-minute pause while the search does its thing. Is all of the savegame data loaded to RAM when a previously saved game is loaded?