Problem with the new infighting mechanic and Zombie Scientists

So I found a cabin in the woods few screens away from a FEMA camp and while resting and reading I heard some sounds, but since no one was trying to bash into the cabin so I just ignored them.
Turns out a zombie scientist was was fighting something the whole night and spawned a horde of manhacks which were everywhere around the cabin.
My suggestion would be to ether limit the amount of manhacks Z scientists can spawn or give these manhacks a limited battery life.


Manhacks operate on plutonium cells, so second variant is a no-go.

I support this motion.

I’d rather have the limited manhack option.

Or even better - actually spawn some inactive manhacks in science zed’s inventory and make them use those.

Even even better, spawns from a limited number of manhacks, but if there aren’t any enemies in range, the manhacks get retrieved :smiley:

Even even better, spawns from a limited number of manhacks, but if there aren't any enemies in range, the manhacks get retrieved :D

Yeah, this would be the awesomest solution.

Yeah this seem like a good option.

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:6, topic:9135”]Even even better, spawns from a limited number of manhacks, but if there aren’t any enemies in range, the manhacks get retrieved :D[/quote] I think its great idea