Portal storms lore

From what I understand portal storms teleport random things to random places. For plot reasons we tend to see aliens and aircraft carriers as stuff that get teleported around, us, but:
-an average place in the vicinity of earth is not on earth surface
-an average place in other dimensions are probably not full of aliens either
So an average consequence of a random thing being dropped where we can see it should be something like a lake of lava appearing 20 km above a forest and spraying ashes and fiery rocks across a wide area. A big crater made by a portal storm teleporting that ground away. Jellyfishes and fishes hitting survivor’s head during a saltwater rain.
Unless there’s something complex guiding the portaling mechanics an average thing on the surface shouldn’t appear right on top of it but fall from above, and that thing should be something extremely common and boring because uncommon things - and especially smart living things that treasure their lives - are unlikely to get caught up anywhere near a portal storm.

Well, it’s hand wavy magic bullshit (as you can tell I don’t like it and I hack it away). I don’t mind the one off like the aircraft carrier that happened during the cataclysm (and I’ve never encountered).
However, since it’s magic, you might just as well assume there’s something that anchors the portals to a surface. If the points were random, the wast majority of them would end up in deep space, and there’d be an invredible amount of the to have any number of them hitting Earth.
As the Exodii seem to hop between parallel versions of the Earth, one might conjure up the logic that the portals are between the “same” locations in different dimensions, or some other thinning veil explanation. Or just go with it having to be accepted through suspension of disbelief.

(and I’ve never encountered).

You can just start on it.

the portals are between the “same” locations in different dimensions, or some other thinning veil explanation.

But the carrier teleported from near Korea, and probably from the exact same dimension. There’s also the thing with the illiterate Churl who teleported from the past/undeveloped dimension, not sure how canon it is. As far as I understood, its not just between dimensions, but also moves things in space and in time within the same dimension.

I’m not against portal storms per se, its just that according to what lore I’ve read portals are like playing a lottery and from what we see in the game we’re winning jackpots every time.

If the points were random, the wast majority of them would end up in deep space,

As far as I understood blob and portal storms exist only/mostly on Earth and its alternate versions so the events are contained within vicinity of Earth. If blob was even bigger, higher on Kardashev scale than that, and already consumed at least one dimension’s galaxy, it wouldnt even bother with infiltrating organics and other extremely rare stuff, it’d just consume the planet whole, core mantle and all.