Hi People,
I just like to share my experience with the changed portal storm mechanic.
First of all I like PS in general, I never go loot the portal, always try to shelter down and get off unscated. After being a bit confused about the Portal storms when I started to play, I realized (after reading the lore in game) that this isnt really a zombie apocalypse game, but rather a full scale “call of cthulhu rpg” in the modern era, with zombies as a logical by-product.
If you assume it to be lovecraftian in nature, it just feels right.
However, I find that the current implementation lacks the thrilling feeling of being in actual danger, since you literally can drive out of the storm, and watch it waddle around on the Map from safe distance.
But I also understand that some players may find it disruptive. Maybe make it configurable per map options? Switch between local/wandering and global Portal storms?
Also, since the dangers in a PS seem to be line of sight based, it gives that nice “hiding under the blanket” feeling, good work.