Pistols'n'revolvers and MODs

Hallo Hu-nams! :slight_smile: oops… it’s not from this game.

ahem! well…
let’s look at such side of game as a class of the guns weapon.
for some reason in it also revolvers are carried. for some reason.
from the simplified point of view - yes. both the gun and the revolver is the same. a difference only in some trifles. at my amateurish look a difference in that that at one drum and at another a holder. here and all basic difference. but both the gun and the revolver shoot at one shot for time and shoot nearby. also are located in a pistol holster.
but after all it seems to me these two types of the weapon it is necessary to divide. and that is why.
I tried in the revolver (a weapon class - the gun) to insert the modifier (intended for a weapon class guns) and received failure. I can’t take it - my favourite gun answered me. and I already manufactured this modifier, looked for components, and on “my offer of a hand and heart was refused! and I killed three dragons barehanded for the sake of it!!! what blow!!! blow below the belt!” :wink:

for prevention in the future of such disappointments - can be would cost somehow - well at least SOMEHOW - to enter differentiations between modifications - THIS modification - for example - will approach anywhere and THIS is only in the revolver or ONLY in the gun. well in the description it is simple to bring one word (gun) or (revolver) in brackets - and all incomprehensibilities will disappear :slight_smile: or R for Revolvers and P for Pistolets

YES! I forgot! maybe I can correct this misunderstanding itself? where to me to stick my snotty nose and where to dig sweaty playful hands? :slight_smile:

Ow, my brain. :V

I’m guessing you mean what’s the different in-game between a revolver and a pistol? It checks for having the “reloads one round at a time” and prints the “this is a revolver” designation if that’s true. Other than that it’s utterly arbitrary and has no intrinsic effect.

Or is about weapon mods? Mods tell you what slot it fits in, and the gun tells you what slots it has. It’s completely arbitrary, but which slots a weapon will have follow certain patterns. In general a revolver won’t have a “muzzle” slot because that’s where suppressors go, and most revolvers (except, for example, the M1895 Nagant) don’t work well with suppressors.

:frowning: damnation!
you right.
I will be more attentive.