Pissing off the RNG in a big way

So… how bad do I piss off the RNG? Did I find a way to break the game, or is this a real issue?

Hulks and brutes come in fleets among the hundreds that appear when I wake up, an event that should be rare at best. Acid rains for days straight, making it impossible to go outside even with a raincoat (the hulks are waiting anyways). My character’s metabolism seems to be in overdrive, since he goes into dehydration every hour even if he’s sedentary. He is also bundled up in wool on every inch of skin to the point of being hermetically sealed, yet suffers from frostbite as the nights grows ever more colder. Even with the Inconspicuous perk and sleeping away from the windows with the curtains drawn shut, zombies still find him (luring in the hulks). CB .22 ammo seems to be louder than a howitzer, given how it still draws the legions of hell. Sleeping in the woods draw triffid queens in enormous droves, destroying the entire world and reshaping the geography, eventually arriving in the nearby towns drowning in acid and reclaiming the abandoned buildings.

I’d really like to enjoy the game, but it seems like with each new version I try out the RNG gets even more ornery. I’d like to go at least one hour in the game without needing to Deus Ex Machina out of impossible scenarios because the RNG wants to be a bastard. Or is this just me?

RNG means Real Niggah Generator?
(No seriusly, what the fuck is RNG)

Random Number Generator, or Random Number God.

Alright, now whats the matter? Its a normal gameplay for most of us

If that’s the case, then more reasonable balancing should be a main focus, or else you’re making a game that you can’t play without cheating.

For the record, I’ve been playing this game for over a year now, and I know most of the various tactics to surviving. Problem is… well, all of the above. The previous build was also broken, when a zombie could punch out all your blood with one shot. Thankfully that was fixed.

Due to the high water consumption your character is 99% water, and with all that wool your overheating and sweating. Thus you are freezing!

but yeah i run into the same problem lol… RNG’s curse you! curse you…

Water? N+1 carboys, a toilet, a hotplate and a battery or two. Fill N carboys of toilet water, clean the carboys into the empty one, 10 units of water per hit.

Temperature? Bugged, being worked on right now.

Crazy spawns related to noise (or just crazy spawns period)? Being fixed up right now.

Place to sleep? Farm, Sewage Treatment Plant, Cabin in the woods. There are other good places, but it depends on your luck and/or the amount of effort you’re willing to put in to clear it out. But ideally not the starting shelter unless there is a nearby watersource (aka right next to a river) and it’s decently far away from any monster spawn.

long story short the current build is fucked up im stilling play the last build for safety reasons

Yeah, I might just wait on playing until at least the temperature issue is fixed.

Nonsense! you must adapt and become an arctic warrior!

I can wear five trench coats and stay warm…

It’s not all that bad, really. I run around in midwinter (-10C / 14F) with 2 pants (army & normal), a peacoat, a knit hat + army helmet, leather gloves, wool socks and a scarf. Not feeling ‘comfortable’, but manageably cold (i.e. no morale penalties). By the time winter comes you should be able to compensate for the encumberance skillwise.
Spring and autumn are a bit different since temperatures can vary quite a bit. Just dress up a bit more before going to sleep, wear a raincoat when it’s raining (durrr) and you should be fine.

You got to winter?!?

Eh temperature is ridiculous if you want to even bother going into melee, I think. Since you have to heavily burden your torso area if you want anything done. I’m hoping to find a bionic to fix it(though I hear they’re bugged).

No you don’t. I have encumberance 3 on my torso - my dodge and melee skills are around 6, so the -3 penalty isnt all that bad. By winter you probably have found at least one silencer and a rifle so you don’t even need to bother with melee anymore… or (if playing pure melee) you’ll have such high skills that -3 doesnt affect you that much.
Putting on a backpack would probably be a bad thing though. Then again did you ever try to move in full winter clothing in the snow while wearing a huge backpack? It just doesnt work.
Fighting in winter is a bad thing, as everyone has learned in 1941/42 … unless you’re Russian or Finnish, in which case you are immune to cold!

You got to winter?!?
Yes, because full night vision is so totally game breaking.

Its not that hard people in the old forums have manged to go years on end without cheating/dieing

And surprisingly easy to get if you pick robust genetics and night vision at the start. (Less forced negative mutations and the tendency for mutations to follow an existing one add together nicely)

And surprisingly easy to get if you pick robust genetics and night vision at the start. (Less forced negative mutations and the tendency for mutations to follow an existing one add together nicely)[/quote]

I am not sure about the actual calculations behind mutations but i seam to recall the mutations you pick at the start not making it more likely that you get more from that category. It may be different for progressive chains.

Still some negative traits is well worth getting full night vision as long as it is not smelly.

Smelly and Very smelly are… well, they’re not good, but they do lead to the Pheromones mutations, which will help you blend in with insects or mammals.

True but when going for nightvision they pretty much exactly counters it.