Pissing off the RNG in a big way

No you don’t. I have encumberance 3 on my torso - my dodge and melee skills are around 6, so the -3 penalty isnt all that bad. By winter you probably have found at least one silencer and a rifle so you don’t even need to bother with melee anymore… or (if playing pure melee) you’ll have such high skills that -3 doesnt affect you that much.[/quote]Though, it’s worth noting the attack speed is reduced anyway, unless skill affects attack speed directly? I think only unarmed could be managable with skill alone at truly tremendous encumbrances.
Though wait, why are you only at 6 each for both as late as winter? Unless you’re using uncapped rust, which is what I do, as I play as, I get to 6-9 melee/dodge within 11 days.

Switched to firearms and never really used melee after that.
