On The Jabberwock

I think the legionare thing should be an immobile blob or a slow blob.

If its going to have a bajillion HP then it shouldn’t be able to chase down players on foot.

That or make it blind and unable to smell, and give it a poor hearing value so it would only be attracted to overly-loud vehicles or stupid explosions.


Make it a construction that is unable to attack but would stop most vehicles in their tracks.

[quote=“gtaguy, post:41, topic:1878”]I think the legionare thing should be an immobile blob or a slow blob.

If its going to have a bajillion HP then it shouldn’t be able to chase down players on foot.

That or make it blind and unable to smell, and give it a poor hearing value so it would only be attracted to overly-loud vehicles or stupid explosions.[/quote]
A giant, slow, blind, mostly deaf blob that is attracted to loud noises sounds pretty cool, smaller vehicles would crash into it and stop dead.
Maybe if you hit it hard enough it explodes into a bunch of smaller blobs, which then swarm you?

I meant like a blob of flesh that was fused together. Like just a single zombie that got really fat and started morphing together with other zombies and corpses.

Ah, I get it now, sounds horrifying which is good.
I’m not too clear on how the zombie lore works out for stuff like this, but the lumbering zombie abomination would be pretty ineffective against anybody on foot.

I’m not toally clear how the even slower monster is supposed to be anti-vehicle since in a vehicle you’re faster.

I can see it being problematic in chokepoints, like if it hung out on roads in forests or on bridges (bridge troll, heh), or in towns. Is that the idea?

Im new to Cataclysm DDA and i just had my 2nd encounter with a Jabberwock, i was able to survive the actuall encounter both times due to the fact that i was armed with a Mosberg 500, but usually i’d just end up being close to death and around 40 pain and bleeding because the god damn thing decides to knock me down every time and keeps slamming on my body while im struggling to reload my shotgun. Maybe i’m just lucky but this character is currently 8 days in, god bless my Mosberg.

Not sure if changed yet (compiling atm) but if a light and a single paper wrapper can kill it, it seems a bit OP. I like the idea of a molotov being a great counter to it, as long as it isn’t perfect.

Also, perhaps there should be some form of weapon that is rare/artifacty but inflicts instant death on the Jabberwock? Some form of Blade with a cool name. Not for gameplay, but for nomenclature reasons.[/quote]

Don’t you dare nerf fire. Fire good!

I realize the Jabberwock is your baby, but if you keep trying to counter viable counter-counter-strategies, I’ll have no choice but to submit a patch introducing the option “Jabberwocks exist”, with a default of False!

Yeah, just scattered on roads and in towns to damage vehicles heavily/stop them completely.

It would need a buttload of HP but then it would be OPed, so make it blind and smell-less so it just wanders at noises like your approaching vehicle.

I’d imagine the ‘anti-car’ to be some horrid fusion between mangled, contaminated flesh and metal frames. The result of vehicular wrecks and half-dead occupants. Emergency vehicles, school buses, personnel carriers, high occupancy vans fleeing the scene, or multi-car pileups.

You stumble upon an unsightly pile of warm twisted metal, leaking fluids, twitching limbs and flickering lights at a crossroad or intersection… and then you hear the engines trying to crank back up, and the whole mess shudders.

so this is the new strongest mob in the game? is he really fast or can you realistically run from it?

I’m wondering about this whole idea of “anti-blah” things - I mean, at it’s core, it seems to be about insuring their are sufficient challenges to make a variety of playstyles exciting and risky and potentially dangerous, right?

I sure hope it’s not going to be the strongest. We need more deadly creatures to tear us limb from limb!

I guess it depends what you mean by “deadly”.

I’d still consider Amigara Horrors more of a deadly challenge, the difference here is that spawning Amigara Horrors is a choice, however Jabberwoks will spawn naturally in forests.

They can kill you in about 10 hits (of course depending on how it gets spread around your body it will probably take more), and the worst part is that even with a fast weapon (martial arts) if they knock you down they get about 4 attacks for each one of yours.

Also, about 400 health.

Indoor locations worth visiting are the counter to both, vehicles and fire.

Wide open spaces are naturally prey to customized, semi-truck sized, armored death machines with a mauling grill three meters thick. There is no going around this. No matter how much you weaken vehicles, players will just make them bigger. No matter how much you weaken armor, players will just stack more plates. Your other option is to limit vehicle customization or make them stupidly weak.

Also, people obsessed with countering vehicles forget that NPCs will also have vehicles of their own. The most obvious counter to vehicles.

[quote=“Bladerock, post:55, topic:1878”]Indoor locations worth visiting are the counter to both, vehicles and fire.

Wide open spaces are naturally prey to customized, semi-truck sized, armored death machines with a mauling grill three meters thick. There is no going around this. No matter how much you weaken vehicles, players will just make them bigger. No matter how much you weaken armor, players will just stack more plates. Your other option is to limit vehicle customization or make them stupidly weak.

Also, people obsessed with countering vehicles forget that NPCs will also have vehicles of their own. The most obvious counter to vehicles.

NPC’S driving vehicles now that’s a sick joke imagine if they were hostile and ran you over xD

Double edged sword. The player has access to a deadly machine, but so do his adversaries.

This is already the case with high caliber guns and NPCs one shotting the player whenever they are carrying one.

Really the best “counter” that will ever happen to vehicles is to make the collision algorithms actually function realistically. When crashing your vehicle into a large creature actually does a realistic amount of damage to the vehicle instead of just annihilating the creature, and when you can actually flip your car due to collisions, those will be the two largest “counters” to any vehicle.

Not if the players make the vehicle wide so it doesn’t flip and give it a row of blades with a triple bumper, it won’t.

I would hate to see NPCs in vehicles.

Something tells me they’d just crash it right into whatever base you have and it would be less a counter to vehicles and more a counter to ever going to sleep ever.