'On ground' status

Now it named ‘downed’ or something. Simple addition: to give the ability to lie on ground at will and increase the accuracy for some percent in this position.
Why? Cause nobody shoots sniper rifles standing tall.
Can make bipod more useful.

Might be interesting, though there’s a difference between being in a stable prone shooting position versus being knocked on your ass. XP

Here would guess your already like… changing your body posture while your aiming it just isn’t ‘shown’

maybe rename it to stable firing postion? it will be wierd to be lying on ground and still possible to hit crawling zombies through windows

Hrm, I wouldn’t mind adding the standard standing/crouching/prone aiming positions at some point in principle at least.
From a game mechanics PoV, the only down side is spending a few turns going prone or standing back up, which if you’re going to be spending some time aiming anyway is almost irrelevant. With turns spent as the only down side and improved peak accuracy as the only up side, it doesn’t really seem necessary to make it a manual toggle, perhaps you just do it automatically when aiming above a certain level with a rifle? (pretty pointless with a pistol AFAIK)
Now if we add a finer elevation system, it will have implications for field of view, and might be worth managing manually.

I would suggest incorporating it with the crouch/sneak idea, thus making reduced speed part of the drawbacks.

Agreed. Crouch-walking for modest stealth and aim but with the option to inch worm around for greater bonuses

crouch walking sounds good

Might still need some time to settle the aim, with the benefit being a more stable firing position once that settling has occurred. That way the main disadvantage of crouch-walking (slower movement) isn’t kept utterly separate from the aiming effects.

It could just be that in the firing screen, your steadiness increases much faster while prone or crouched.

I’d say that standing should impose a limit on aiming.

Aiming below that point would require crouching or getting prone. This could cost extra move points or be totally free (only cost points to stand up).
This requirement would be shown in aiming menu. Trying to aim below that point would either not do anything (as if unbound key) or automatically drop player to the lower position.
Getting out of crouching or proneness would cost extra move points, making “run and gun” less efficient (it is currently pretty much the best way to utilize guns).

That way there would be no benefit to micromanagement and thus no tedium.

It would also allow easily defining “precise shot” etc. by explaining it as “the best accuracy you can achieve while standing”, “the best while crouching” and “the best accuracy you can achieve”.

Maybe. I’m not really sure if it should increase faster, versus having a higher maximum stability, though. Those are both possible ways to implement it, but unsure which is the most plausible.

If anything, prone might lead to lower aim speed.
Based on conversations with competitive shooters, maximum achievable accuracy would be the main thing affected by crouching or being prone.

That’s what I was thinking was likely the case, though they generally frown on sprawling out on the floor at gun ranges, so I wouldn’t know for sure. XP