Mostly an update, but feedback is welcome.
My current project is adding an aiming system where you tradeoff time for steadying your aim.
Progress here:
Here’s the concept, when you pick a target, you can swing your weapon around to “point at it” instantly, but your aim isn’t steady yet, for that you have to settle into your firing stance and take aim, which takes precious seconds. At close range you can rattle off shots as fast as you can pull the trigger and expect to hit, but at any significant distance, you’ll need to aim to expect to hit. This is adjusted by weapon type, skill, stats, etc.
In practice, if you hit ‘f’ then ‘f’ immediately, it’s a “snap shot”, and will be quite inaccurate. You will be able to either incrementally hold your aim until it improves enough to take a shot, or use a preset command that aims a certain amount and then fires.
Game balance wise, this adds another dimension to firearms, because while rifles have more absolute accuracy, you’ll be able to bring a pistol to bear much more quickly and fire, while rifles will zero in much more slowly. Likewise various sights will have accuracy vs aim speed tradeoffs.
Overall I plan on requiring longer times between shots to get the same level of accuracy you have now, but the range of options will widen. You’ll be able to fire faster and less accurately, or spend more time per shot and be more accurate than you can be now.
A side effect of this is that aim will reset if you take any action other than aiming or firing, so run and gun will be restricted to fast-aiming weapons like pistols.
Screenshot of the current prototype:
The only differences visible so far are that the targeting window is enlarged, and I’ve added feedback about aim, “Your aim is bla”. In addition, when you hit . to “steady your aim”, turns can pass and enemies can act without you leaving the targeting window.
I still need to implement aiming progressing at different rates depending on the weapon, skills, etc, implement the preset aim level interface, and then the hard part, rebalancing all the guns and gunmods. Probably the incremental aiming interface need a bit of a change too.