Not sure if these are bugs but

Ok 2 things:
1: First aid and bleeding
So my character is bleeding, I use 18 first aid kits to try and stop the bleeding and fix the damage.
Damage fixed, but still bleeding?
I have to ask, how exactly am I healed (ignoring the instant part right now) without stopping the bleeding? What is the first aid made of, air? It also does nothing for pain either, but the main thing is: How do you fix a physical wound without stopping blood loss?

2nd: I lose any bladed weapon on the first strike. 1 strike and fists. I have melee lvl 2 now, and you would think the main thing learned would be how to not let go of the handle.
It does make blunt a little bit unbalanced, I haven’t lost my crowbar yet, but I have used it ALOT.

Not sure if they are bugs or just a little unbalanced. I downloaded V 0.8 Stable yesterday.

First Aid kits are reskinned health potions, they don’t in fact make sense.
We have plans for shifting to you accumulating wounds instead of losing HP, and medical stuff will start being realistic-ish at that point.

Regarding bladed weapons, which weapons? In particular spears and such aren’t bad about getting stuck, but some improvised weapons such as shovels and wood axes are really bad about it, it’s also based on strength.

Katana, broadsword, and crude sword. Each one was lost on the first hit, and I always ended up switching to my crowbar, which never broke, bent or got stuck in/smacked outta my hands by any creature or monster.

Probably because crowbars do more bashing than cutting damage, so they’re treated as not being able to get stuck.

You need to use bandages to stop bleeding, which doesn’t make sense as first aid kits should contain bandages too.

Bleeding is a general effect, and it does not correspond to a certain bodypart. Meanwhile medkit heals only selected bodypart, but not the whole body.
How do you think about making separate effects: ‘Bleeding torso’, ‘Bleeding legs’, and so on. I think this increases game’s difficulty.

It may be also a nice idea to add some chance of dropping of blunt weapons…

With bandages and rags, you can [a]civate the rag to stop bleeding. It will give you a bloody rag.
You have to [E]at the bandage to actually get the menu for selecting which body part to use it on.

[quote=“uzername, post:5, topic:3065”]Bleeding is a general effect, and it does not correspond to a certain bodypart. Meanwhile medkit heals only selected bodypart, but not the whole body.
How do you think about making separate effects: ‘Bleeding torso’, ‘Bleeding legs’, and so on. I think this increases game’s difficulty.[/quote]
It’s planned already.

Make sure that you are selecting “Stop bleeding” rather then a body part when you are trying to stop bleeding.

[quote=“FunsizeNinja123, post:6, topic:3065”]With bandages and rags, you can [a]civate the rag to stop bleeding. It will give you a bloody rag.
You have to [E]at the bandage to actually get the menu for selecting which body part to use it on.[/quote]
Bandages (and disinfectant) needing to be [E]aten is somewhat disturbing to me, for some inexplicable reason. Perhaps I should have taken the omniphage trait first…