No Tankbots Optional Mod?

Was wondering if this could be a feature implemented into the game. It’s what the name suggests, and I’m not suggesting because I’m butthurt because of good characters getting wiped out by tankbots, but because I dislike the fact that such a powerful enemy can be encountered randomly. I know other powerful things (such as shocker brutes, zombie hulks, etc) can be encountered randomly also, but the tankbot annoys me in particular mostly because of its extremely powerful one turn death attack. With something like a zombie hulk against my early game crappy character, at least I can still make somewhat of a last stand.

I know tankbots can be avoided by things such as safety mode, but sometimes they can still catch you off guard and wipe you out within a turn.

I’m completely fine if this idea gets rejected, it’s just a mere suggestion after all.

You can make it by yourself.

Unfortunately I can’t because I possess no coding ability, hence why I asked why it could be one of the optional mods when you first create a world. If I could ‘make it by myself’, I obviously would do so.

I was sort of hoping I wouldn’t get an answer like this. I’m not asking for this for my own personal desire for something like this, I know quite a few people who also don’t like tankbots being in the game and would like something like this.

Unfortunately I can't because I possess no coding ability, hence why I asked why it could be one of the optional mods when you first create a world. If I could 'make it by myself', I obviously would do so.
It doesn't require any coding ability. And even if it required - you would learned how to code (even if it's just copy-and-paste technique). /cataclysm/data/mods/no_joke_monsters/modinfo.json ... Learn the structure ... /cataclysm/data/json/monsters.json ... ctrl-f, tankbot ... id: "mon_tankbot" ... Now Create folder /cataclysm/data/mods/no_tankbots Create file modinfo.json [ { "type": "MOD_INFO", "mod-type": "SUPPLEMENTAL", "ident": "SomeStupidId", "name": "No tank bots", "author": "Some stupid author", "description": "Some stupid description" "path": "modinfo.json" },{ "type": "MONSTER_BLACKLIST", "monsters": [ "mon_tankbot" ] } ]

Boom, you are done. No coding skills at all.

Thank you! That’s actually helpful and I shall use that + send it to my friends who also despise tankbots.